Backup NAS542
Posts: 3 Freshman Member
There is a problem with NAS542. I'm trying to backup 5 Tb data from NAS to Ubuntu Server via SSH:
- ssh -T -c -o Compression=no -x root@ '(cd /i-data/sysvol/; tar cf - Resource | mbuffer -m 1024M | sudo tar xf -
But average speed is ~10 MB/s (~80 Mbit/s). iperf NAS with Ubuntu Server shows 850 Mbit/s.
If I mount Resource of NAS via cifs (smb) at Ubuntu Server, it starts faster but after time it starts copy one file (300 Kb) for 5 seconds. Used commands:
- tar cf - /mnt/NAS/Resource | mbuffer -m 1024M | (cd /home/backup/; sudo tar xf -)
- ls /mnt/NAS/Resource | xargs -n1 -P2 -I{} rsync -Pa "{}" /home/backup
Speed via SSH stable but slow. Speed via mounting resource high but only first time.
Is there any way to:
- Speed up SSH transfer or...
- Solve problem with speed comes to 0 via rsync/tar with mounting (smb/cifs)?
Accepted Solution
Really? Shame on me.I'll tell you a secret. The server part of MetaRepository is powered by (busybox) inetd. That was the result of the search for the smallest (in bytes) possible solution. And for some reason which I can't remember anymore I also added nc to the busybox binary. So by executing/i-data/sysvol/.PKG/MetaRepository/bin/busybox-metarepo ncyou'll have your nc. (Or create a symlink).Another option is to install Entware netcat. But that is a bit heavy for just installing nc.0
All Replies
Resource mounted by:
- sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/NAS/Resource -o username="backup",password="password"
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I think the CPU of the NAS maxes out on encryption of a 80mbit stream. Try netcat instead.
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Is there any way to add nc to NAS? Wasn't found it at RandomTools.
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Really? Shame on me.I'll tell you a secret. The server part of MetaRepository is powered by (busybox) inetd. That was the result of the search for the smallest (in bytes) possible solution. And for some reason which I can't remember anymore I also added nc to the busybox binary. So by executing/i-data/sysvol/.PKG/MetaRepository/bin/busybox-metarepo ncyou'll have your nc. (Or create a symlink).Another option is to install Entware netcat. But that is a bit heavy for just installing nc.0
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