NAS326 - Upgrade from F.1 to F.9 and writes speeds are bad

Tim Swenson
Tim Swenson Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2020 in Personal Cloud Storage
I upgraded my NAS326 from Firmware v5.21(AAZF.1) to V5.21(AAZF.9).  Since then my write speeds have dropped to about .5 MBps.  A file transfer from my client used to take about 5 min is now taking 30-45 min.  Read speeds are working just fine.
I have ssh'd to the shell as admin and looked at ifconfig.  I see that there are some network errors on TX.  When idle, I see about 1 every 120 seconds.  When doing reads, the errors are 12 for 120 seconds. When doing writes, the errors jump to 1235 for 120 seconds.
I've done a Wireshark network capture during both read and writes to the NAS.  On reads, all is well.  On writes, I see a large number of duplicate ACK's and packet retransmissions.  Dup Acks are 783 and retransmissions are 276 out of 5706 packets.
I have screenshots of the writes from the NAS web page.  I have the packet captures and I have the ifconfig output if needed.

The question is how is this issue resolved. 


Accepted Solution

  • Tim Swenson
    Tim Swenson Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    The transfer was made with CIFS/SMB.  The internal drive in the NAS is a WD hard drive, WDC WD20EFRX-68EUZN0.

All Replies

  • eozrocwd
    eozrocwd Posts: 58  Ally Member
    What kind of transfer method did you use? FTP / CIFS / web-GUI?

    Do you use SSD on the internal disk for NAS326?
  • Tim Swenson
    Tim Swenson Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    The transfer was made with CIFS/SMB.  The internal drive in the NAS is a WD hard drive, WDC WD20EFRX-68EUZN0.

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