NAS 326 - File transfers between different shares

warmbeers Posts: 12  Freshman Member
Win 7 - If I drag a folder of files from a share on one internal disk to another share on that same disk is the default for the data to go thru my PC or direct between the 2 shares?  If that is not the default is there a way to force the transfer direct?  Is it any different if the transfer is between shares on 2 different internal disks?  What about between a share on an internal disk and a share on an external disk?

Since i only have one disk slot filled so far I am not sure how I would know which disk each share is on without going back to the control panel?
TIA for any assistance.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    If you drag a file from one share to another, the file will be down- and uploaded. AFAIK the SMB protocol has no way to tell the shares are on the same disk, (and technically a share can span several disks) and there is no 'move' command between different shares.
    To do the move internal, you can use the filebrowser in the webinterface, or you can enable the 'underlying' share,  which represents the whole volume, and has the volume name. It is only accessible for admin.
  • warmbeers
    warmbeers Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    If I understand you correctly, by using the filebrowser in the NAS software the files would not pass thru the computer but transfer directly from one drive to the other.  Not quite clear what you mean by the underlying share?  Would that be enabled in Win Explorer or only in the Zyxel browser software?  What would that look like if in Win Explorer?
    Thanks for your help
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    If I understand you correctly, by using the filebrowser in the NAS software the files would not pass thru the computer but transfer directly from one drive to the other.
    Indeed. The backend of the webinterface runs on the NAS itself, and there is where the move action is performed.
    Not quite clear what you mean by the underlying share?  Would that be enabled in Win Explorer or only in the Zyxel browser software?
    You have to enable it in the shares menu of the NAS, and then it is visible in Explorer as just another share, but containing all shares on that volume. This way a move is inside the same share.
  • warmbeers
    warmbeers Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    Thanks for the quick response.  I think my confusion is that so far i just share the entire volume as 1 share so there would be no difference between the share and the 'underlying' share.  Does that sound right?
    Thanks again.

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