In which modes can the Multy X be operated?

Drakon Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited 2020 11 in Multy WiFi System
In which modes can the Multy X be operated?


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    Multy support NAT mode and Bridge mode.
    NAT mode by default and user can switch the operation mode on Multy App.
    Multy App >> Menu Bar >> Settings >> Network mode
  • Drakon
    Drakon Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    edited 2020 11
    Thank you four your answer. May I ask you to explain what exaclty is the difference between both modes? Alternatively a link to an explanation would be sufficient. But it should be an easy to understand explanation.
    This e.g. isn't helpful.
    NAT mode doesn't work. The client doesn't get internet access with this setting. That's why I ask.
  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    May I know the detail information about your issue?

    In Bridge Mode, Multy will pass through all the traffic to your clients, and it will not send the IP or manage your clients on Multy. Most of the settings will be managed by the uplink Router which connected to the WAN of your Multy.
    In NAT Mode, Multy will be the DHCP Server and send the IP to all the devices that connected to your Multy. YOu can manage your device on your Multy App.

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