NAS 326 fan speed

Could someone direct me to the thread for fan speed on these things please i couldn't find one and cant believe no one else has asked this as the fan speed turns at max revolution and is way too loud and unnecessary, i have swapped out the fan and its still the same, How do i make the fan speed less by command line please. I cant use it because of this.

All Replies

  • well after research apparently not by software as it 3 pin only. probably have to solder a resistor or something in to lower the voltage to it
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    3 wires is enough for software regulation. 1 ground, 1 pwm and 1 index. Problem is that I never has a 326 in my hands, so I couldn't study the way the fan is regulated.
    On the 310 it's a daemon in userspace, on all other NSA3xx models you could only read the rpm, but the fan speed was regulated by some microcontroller.
    On the 500 series it is a daemon in userspace, which can be tweaked, but for the NAS326 I don't know.
  • zemciko
    zemciko Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Looks weird to me. I have 2 different 326 and both are very quiet. If i can hear something, then its harddrive not fan ...
  • Hi Mijzelf,

    thanks you very much for your response, let me work from your provided info and report back if any success :)


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