NAS 326 Problem with GLAN

Hello. I have a problem with connection NAS 326. I am using this nas several years for backup my files, but now I wanted use this NAS for movies. I find out that I have only 100mbps (I see it in nas options) How to get GLAN? I tried everything.. connection via cabel Cat6 and Cat 5e. I use switch with Glan, router with Glan all without some improve. Last experiment, I connected Nas to PC (without router) I used static IP but NAS still shows only 100mbps. I have the last firmware. Where is problem? can be damage on lan board?


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,835  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Milkinson said:
    can be damage on lan board?
    Certainly possible. As you may know you need an 8 wire cable for gigabit. When you use a 4 wire cable the connection will fall down to 100 Mbit. When the connector in the box has a faulty pin, or there is a problem with the traces from the connector upstream, it will have the effect of a 4 wire cable.
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