Issue installing Entware on NAS540 from Github wiki


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    I really don't know how you manage to get that all in USRPKG_DEPS_START. I suppose you copy@paste too much.

    What if you just execute

    echo entware > /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START

  • gsshelton
    gsshelton Posts: 21  Freshman Member
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    edited March 2021
    The instructions are confusing, there really is no need to include this section:
    touch /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START
    chmod +x /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START
    echo entware > /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START
    It makes it look like that it is what the contents of the USRPKG_DEPS_START needs to be. It should just have 
    The other part that is ambiguous is/are the shutdown script(s), I assumed that those are two different scripts. So I created each one separately. Was I supposed to copy the code and paste it in as one command to create the script(s)?

    When I run:
     echo entware > /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START
    Nothing appears to happen, I just get a new command line. After reboot, mount returns the opt file path! But when I try to opkg update I get a wget error: opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 1.

    I rebooted again and mount does not return the opt file path and opkg update say opkg: not found :(
  • gsshelton
    gsshelton Posts: 21  Freshman Member
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    I ran echo entware > /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START again and rebooted and the path came back and I was able to execute opkg commands. But again on reboot it's gone, including the opt dir that had been there.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    Does USRPKG_DEPS_START still exist, and contain entware? If not, does either the start- or the stopscript contain a command to remove/adapt that file?
  • gsshelton
    gsshelton Posts: 21  Freshman Member
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    Many attempts to get this going, but I can't get any persistence. For some reason every third boot overwrites the content of USRPKG_DEPS_START and breaks the install. My workaround is before a reboot I always check USRPKG_DEPS_START and edit if necessary.

    I don't see anything in either the start or stop script that would remove or adapt the file. What could make this old file reappear after a couple of reboots?

    Thanks again for all your help, couldn't have gotten this far without it.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    Strange. The automatic update daemon might be responsible for this, but I don't see how. You can try to disable it, to see if it solves the issue.
    If you feel nosy you can write a script using inotifywait to detect which process is responsible for deleting the file.
    BTW, it doesn't hurt to let the shutdown script unconditionally overwrite the USRPKG_DEPS_START. Why check first if it is needed?

  • gsshelton
    gsshelton Posts: 21  Freshman Member
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    Sorry, I'm out of my depth a bit here. When you say the shutdown script, do you mean the sdentware file from the guide?
    /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung stop
    Are you saying overwrite the USRPKG_DEPS_START file in the shutdown script, would I add this as a line? 
    echo entware > /i-data/.system/zy-pkgs/USRPKG_DEPS_START
    Thanks again!

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    KINGFOXL Posts: 2
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    @gsshelton - Did you get this to work? I seem to have the same challenge installing Entware on the 542.

    KINGFOXL Posts: 2
    First Comment Friend Collector

    solved it. didnt know we had to remove <> from things. :P

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