ZyWall USG2000 FW 3.30(AQW.7)C0 gets "Unable to connect ZySH daemon", WebGUI won't work

Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Security
ZyWall USG2000 FW 3.30(AQW.7)C0 gets "Unable to connect ZySH daemon" when in ssh as admin, WebGUI won't work.

What do I do to get it working, and what could be the reason??


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  • Posts: 151  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Is it all the time showing "Unable to connect ZySH daemon" or just in short period? If it just showed in short period, could be the system just busy on handling something else for minutes. 
  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Mark said:
    Dear @hansjalbertsson
    I would suggest you flash the usg with the latest Weekly firmware available:

    Basicly FTP upgrade would be advisable. 

    So connect a pc in your local lan wired to the usg
    start a command prompt with admin rights 
    then type ftp [zywalls ip address] and login with admin and password

    Then if successful , set the mode to BINIARY with the command : bin
    after that give the command put c:\firmware.bin [location where firmware is downloaded]

    Hit enter and it will start the firmware upgrade..
    Let me now if you have any questions ! 

    Kind regards

    This is close, there's actually a document from zyxel that addresses this. This will be part of the fix.

  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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    It's a permanent state. 

  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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    Mark said:
    Dear @hansjalbertsson
    I would suggest you flash the usg with the latest Weekly firmware available:

    Basicly FTP upgrade would be advisable. 

    So connect a pc in your local lan wired to the usg
    start a command prompt with admin rights 
    then type ftp [zywalls ip address] and login with admin and password

    Then if successful , set the mode to BINIARY with the command : bin
    after that give the command put c:\firmware.bin [location where firmware is downloaded]

    Hit enter and it will start the firmware upgrade..
    Let me now if you have any questions ! 

    Kind regards

    I guess I should say

    ftp> put 330AQW7ITS-WK48-r74988.bin  /Firmware

    because I think the usg looks for the bootable FW in /Firmware, doesn't it?

    Ftp from windows doesn't work!!!??? Any ftp from any of my Unix machines seems to work OK.

  • Posts: 118  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    Dear @hansjalbertsson

    No this is not needed If above does not work for you it seems more alike a local issue on your pc.. (firewall, anti virus,software) what is causing an error...  you can also use on your  windows client  a software tool like FILEZilla.. there  you just connect again with the usg en drag en drop the bin file directly in the root .. This is also applicable to almost all our modern firewalls, Acces points, wireless controllers and home routers/modems
  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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    Why is then the old firmware in there named /Firmware??
  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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    Re ftp not working: FileZilla works very well.
    PROBABLY I have some issue with my W10 firewalls, I am NOT a Windows person.

  • Posts: 118  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    i guess you are pointing to the standby firmware? but then again i am 100 % sure what is said.. I do like daily upgrading cases with ftp. you can also check our one security site:
    then under [Firmware Upgrade Procedure] you can find a document where you can see the same

  • Posts: 34  Freshman Member
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    And this is true even in a USG2000 ???


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