NAS326 DLNA problem

Sounder Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited January 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
Dear Everybody,
I have problem with my NAS326 (FW: V5.21(AAZF.1)C0).  The DLNA server lost the settings, and I have chose a bad file sharing folder, that I can't change now. I tried the soft+hard factory reset, but nothing changed.
The questions:
1. How can I change the DLNA sharing folder?
2. How can I reset all settings?
3. How can I downgarde the FW?

Please, it is important for me, and I can't use the DLNA now. :(



All Replies

  • Rory
    Rory Posts: 120  Ally Member

    You can reset configuration via reset button.

  • Rory
    Rory Posts: 120  Ally Member
    Unfortunately, as I know the FW can't be downgrade.
    The DLNA works via Media Server,
    so you can go to Control Panel > Media Server > Share Publish select the folders or file types.

  • Sounder
    Sounder Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Dear Rory,

    Thanks for your answer! I tried this (the back reset button).
    I pulled out HDD before I reseted it, but after the HDD instalation didn't change the DLNA settings.
    If I could change the below "Shared folder" I thing everything will be good, but I can't change this folder. Do you have other idea?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    My 520 has a directory /i-data/sysvol/.media/twonkymedia. I assume a 326 has the same directory. You can try to rename it and reboot. 

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