3rd party repositories has been closed?


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    So, is it possible to tun Entware on NSA310 (fw4.7) if I install proper libc library? Or somenthing else?
    I would be very grateful if you could provide me those files.
    Yes Entware-ng can run on a NSA310, provided you exchange libc by a patched one. Unfortunately that's not just any libc.
    I couldn't find a backup of my patched libraries.

    @waiting4 and @MGD, Entware-ng will run fine on a 326, but it's not a step-up to Plex. Plex is not available as package for Entware-ng (nor for FFP). The way to install Plex is to download a package for the Synology, extract that, put it in the right directories, create some environment variables and start the binary. @barmaley2 has researched this, and I have put his findings in both an FFP package and a zypkg package, but in both cases it's basically a script, and you'll have to provide the compatible Plex package.
    If nas-central.org is back, both scripts are available.

    For the NSA310 there is a complicating factor. Plex dropped support for Armv5 a few years ago, and I don't know if there are still Armv5 packages for download, nor if they are still compatible with clients.

    I think NAS326 processor (1300MHz) is to weak for Plex, as in mine NSA310 1200MHz.
    AFAIK a NAS326 is powerful enough to run Plex, although I don't have experience. It won't transcode, but it won't transcode on any Arm NAS.
    1300MHz Armv7 is not really comparable to 1200MHz Armv5.

  • MGD
    MGD Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    I wouldn't complain at all if forum nas-central.org and zyxel.nas-central.org downloads was still avaiable, but in current situation... It sucks.

  • waiting4
    waiting4 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    OK all clear. I thank both and I hope nas-central will be back online soon.

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