NSA-325 v2 - upgrading drives


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  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    I do have a backup of my NAS config from last year.  It hasn't change materially since then. 

    Is it worth trying to restore that?
    Or doing a full reset on the NAS and then setting it up again do you think? 
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
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    Can't install any packages - "this feature is not available for there is no volume"

    Strange. You volume hasn't changed, has it? It's basically still the same as always, yet degraded.

    Is it worth trying to restore that?
    It won't hurt. Yet I don't know if the 'volume' is part of the config. Basically it's a symlink on the flash partition, pointing to an auto-created mountpoint, which name is extracted from the raid header of the volume.
    Or doing a full reset on the NAS and then setting it up again do you think? 
    Same story. If it's just to get shell access, you can also use the Telnet backdoor.

  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    edited November 2018
    Thanks, no luck with telnet either. 

    I tried both these options:

    The SSH webinterface backdoor does not seem to work (returns result=0). The telnet webinterface backdoor can be used with this URL:



    The /zyxel/ part is exchanged by /r38657,/adv,/, so the complete url is


    updating the address and the rxxxxx details respectively.  

    No change to the volume, just the removal of the one disk and the use of another.  I still have the original 2TB disk I removed.  I'm going to try to boot that and see if that one boots and still shows the volume issue. 

  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    I pulled out both drives (2TB and 4TB) and inserted the original 2TB drive that I had initially removed.   Data is all accessible but same issues with Download Service (for example) reporting "Download Service is not available for there is no volume".  

    So that's both of the original drives.  I know the configuration of the NAS isn't stored on the drive, but I guess I've ruled that out as being some sort of mystery fix. 

  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    ok, restored config from Feb last year, no difference, still the same volume related messages.  

    Going to hard reset the NAS.
  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    edited November 2018
    Reset the configuration and built a new volume.  Still the same issue (some services reporting that there is no volume).  Looks like the NAS is toast. 
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
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    Are you able to create a share or user which survives a reboot (with poweroff)? In that case it isn't toast. The box is obviously working, and the only hidden failure I am aware of is a broken flash disk. In that case you are not able to alter any setting permanently in the core system.

    To repair this problem you need shell access. About the telnet backdoor I can say that there is no feedback. The webpage is just white, but in background the telnet daemon is started.

  • Howard
    Howard Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    edited November 2018

    Nothing I do now is retained.  

    I was able to use the Starter Config tool to assign an IP address and then the box will respond to pings, but I could not view any shares on it and cannot open the web configuration page.  And the IP address would not survive a reboot of the NAS. 

    But right now not even that is working.  It was working, but now when I try to open the Starter Utility I get a message;

    "Caution! Another NAS Starter Utility exists and is running."

    and then:

    "NAS_Starter_Utility quit unexpectedly.  Click reopen to try the application again..."

    So I tried http://findme.zyxel.com and it cannot find my NAS. 

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Nothing I do now is retained. 
    If, after a full reset, no settings can be stored, I'm afraid your flash is dead. That's basically the end of your NAS.
  • Mijzelf said:
    Nothing I do now is retained. 
    If, after a full reset, no settings can be stored, I'm afraid your flash is dead. That's basically the end of your NAS.
    i'm no expert but not true apparently. here is your answer:
    I'm looking to do the same. it seems as a previous poster worried it probably was just cloning.
    i know its over 4 years late but hopefully good for others in the future to join the threads...

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