Multy X - Strange Speed test Results

MIBSWE Posts: 35  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
edited February 2019 in Multy WiFi System

I rebooted the main node in my Dining room and since then the speed tests don't work from the router node or the other two nodes to the internet. The speed results are great between the nodes themselves. The internet is working great, so the speeds are fine. I have another unit that checks my internet speeds, which connects to the Multy X router to measure the internet speed.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Accepted Solution

    MIBSWE Posts: 35  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    As if by magic, the firmware released today seems to have fixed the problem I’ve had for 1 week. It would be great to get the release notes.

All Replies

  • Hayne
    Hayne Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    Seen this on my 4 node system hen updating firmware, it takes a while for each node to update but the system should come back once done if that’s what is happening. My system updated to new firmware today.....
    MIBSWE Posts: 35  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    As if by magic, the firmware released today seems to have fixed the problem I’ve had for 1 week. It would be great to get the release notes.

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