NAS540 chassis failure? What's best course of action to recover data or bring online?

Artisane Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited June 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
Wife mentioned to me that she couldn't access our NAS. I checked it from across the room and saw no drive activity. Only LED on the front is the Power. Nothing else. The fan also does not spin. I do have LAN activity for both ports. Canned air got some dust bunnies out, but nothing worrisome. 

I'm afraid its pretty much dead. It was running an 8TB Raid 5 single volume. What are my chances of tossing those drive in another NSS540 chassis and getting everything back up? 

I haven't opened up the enclosure yet to see what the damage is, but it certainly doesn't smell good. No indication that it was overheating or failing. The drives appear to be OK, so its just the raid controller that's essentially shot. 

It can't be simple as buying a new identical enclosure and rebuilding the array, right?



  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Another 540 or 542 is supposed to accept that array without problems. No extra actions needed. But you'll have to re-create users and re-enable shares, as that data isn't stored on the disks.

    (Unless you mean you have 4*8TB disk in raid5 single volume. 16TiB is the maximum size of a volume since firmware 5.10)
  • Artisane
    Artisane Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    edited June 2019
    That's actually great news. I had a 4x3TB configurations which gave me 8 total in RAID5. Luckily, I had just a very simple share structure, so rebuilding that is no concern. 

    Is there much difference between the 540 and 542?

    Edit: Any gotchas or things I should be aware of or definitely not do? I've had drives fail enterprise level, but never a SOHO controller before.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Is there much difference between the 540 and 542?

    The color of the disk holders. That's all.

    Edit: Any gotchas or things I should be aware of or definitely not do?
    It's straightforward. Just don't boot the box if you haven't inserted all disks.
  • Artisane
    Artisane Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    I appreciate the help. I just tested all drives and they do spin up when powered in another system (just powered) 99% sure I'll just buy another enclosure and get it all back up and running quickly. Again, thank you for setting me at ease with this. My heart initially sank when I saw it offline.

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