Connection Issues with latest Firmware V2.20 (ABKJ.2)

p_e_g_o Posts: 11  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited January 2020 in Multy WiFi System

I've never had problems with my Multy before but after the latest firmware upgrade to V2.20 ABKJ.2 I'm experiencing some strange connection problems on my WLAN.

Zyxel Multy X Tri-Band AC3000

It happens sometimes that after some time browsing the web, my smartphone cannot download any data anymore. I checked the WLAN status and it seems that my phone reconnects to the same network again and then everythings works again fine after some time. This is very annoying as this process takes several seconds. 

This problem is not limited to my smartphone and also happens to my other WLAN devices. As this problem startet directly after the last software update, it has to be related to my Zyxel. 

Are you also experiences these problems? 
Are there any logs I can download for my Zyxel so I know what is going on?
Can I downgrade to the previous software version?

Thx in advance! :-)


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    edited January 2020
    Dear Sir,

    1. Please Send Feedback on Multy App, and we can check your log.
    2. Have you try to reboot your Multy, and it will re-scan the environment? Multy will select the best channel for wifi devices after a reboot.
    3. Is there any connection issue that happened on the Ethernet Connection devices?
    4. Does this issue only happen when the wireless devices are in certain location?
  • p_e_g_o
    p_e_g_o Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Thx for your response!

    1. I didn't notice the button in the app - I send a report to the customer support.
    2. Yes, I rebooted it several times with no affect
    3. No, Ethernet connection is stable
    4. No, the problems occur everywhere

    After some time testing I noticed, that the connection problems only occur on the 5 Ghz network. The 2.4 Ghz net is stable.

    As a tmp. workaround I switched all my devices to the 2.4Ghz network, but the connection speed is really really poor (compared to the 5Ghz). 

    A WLAN diagnostic report told me that I'm the only one on the channel used by the 5Ghz network. Unfortunately I cannot test a different channel as this option is not available in the app.

    It's very frustrating that this simple features cannot be set! I guess we have some more opportuniteis via the CLI, but unfortunately I have not access to it, because I don't know the user and password!?

    Kind regards!

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