NAS540 cant install apps


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    led_pkg_info][2408][ownCloud]strControlFile = /i-data/5c72062c/.PKG/ownCloud/zypkg_conf/info/ownCloud.control
    2020-02-05 18:16:26 [ipkg][list][31845]: [zypkg_get_installed_pkg_info][2411] "ownCloud" control file does not exist. 
    Your package installation is broken. The package 'ownCloud; is installed in /i-data/5c72062c/.PKG/ownCloud/, and the subdirectory zypkg_conf/info/ should contain a file ownCloud.control and some other files, which are extracted from control.tar.gz in the zypkg file.
    This control file is used to read the version of the package, to decide if a newer one is available. When it lacks apparently the install status is 'unknown'.

    The infomation in the control file is redundant, the data can also be found in /etc/zyxel/pkg_conf/status which is stored on a flash partition.

    I *think* your /i-data/5c72062c/.PKG/ directory (which is on harddisk) is damaged.

  • Sir_Mc_Tod
    Sir_Mc_Tod Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    so i can opy this info over from /etc/zyxel... and it should work again?
    what puzzles me is that i cannot even install apps that have never been installed, or were uninstalled
  • Sir_Mc_Tod
    Sir_Mc_Tod Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    now thats crazy /i-data/sysvol/.PKG is not a directory cat shows its a php script ?!?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    so i can opy this info over from /etc/zyxel... and it should work again?

    I don't think so. As your log shows more lacking control files, I doubt that this are the only lacking files. Just the only ones that are checked/logged by the package manager.

    what puzzles me is that i cannot even install apps that have never been installed, or were uninstalled
    Do you have a log from that?
  • Sir_Mc_Tod
    Sir_Mc_Tod Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    ok, i backed up .PKG file (which was part of phpmyadmin) and created a directory named .PKG instead, now i was able to install NFS, thats great, even if its unconfigured now, but it still shows me phpmyadmin and owncloud as broken (obviously) 
    can i somehow restore their state and  would i loose my owncloud data if I uninstall it? 
    I knew there would be some corruption in my data as I had 2 disks broken and only could put a copy made using ddrescue back in to get it working (somehow) again. I'm still on a degraded array as the second replacement disk (and another spare disk)  hasn't arrived yet. 
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I think the config of owncloud should be in .../.PKG/ownCloud/etc/. When you lost that directory the config is lost, else you could try to install ownCloud, and copy over the contents of .../etc/ (while ownCloud is not running).
    AFAIK the owncloud data is on the shares. But parts of it could also be in .../.PKG/ownCloud/var/, or something like that.

  • Sir_Mc_Tod
    Sir_Mc_Tod Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    Luckily I had moved over the owncloud storage into one of my shares and had set a symlink to its original path,  so I only lost the symlink (hadn't remembered that)  so everything is fine,  MySQL and owncloud are up and running again,  MySQL is restoring from backups right now,  I will catch the owncloud content on a client via nfs and sync it back to the new instance on the weekend. 
    Anyway,  thanks for your useful hints,  would have a few more grey hairs now otherwise. 

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