William990 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
Hi everyone, I have installed a Zyxel NAS model NAS326 with two 1TB HDDs in RAID1. Everything works perfectly the only thing is that I cannot access FTP from outside the network. From inside the network I reach it I enter username and password and it works normally while from outside the network using the public IP address I reach it but continues to always tell me incorrect login. Can anyone recommend any possible solution ?? Thanks so much.

All Replies

    ENDLESS Posts: 56  Ally Member
    Did you configure port forwarding on your router?
    What kind of software you use?
    Is there any log on it?
  • William990
    William990 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Sorry if I answer only now because of work. Yes I have configured port forwarding on my router, in fact I reach the NAS from the outside but it gives me login error. I use filezilla as an FTP client and no on the NAS in the logs I don't find anything related to the attempt to access. Any idea ??

    ENDLESS Posts: 56  Ally Member
    Sorry for the unclear question, I mean the log on filezilla. Also, did you change FTP port on NAS? How you configure the port forwarding on your router? Any error code when login fail?
  • William990
    William990 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    This is the log of Filezilla:

    Stato:    Connessione a
    Stato:    Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
    Stato:    Server non sicuro, non supporta FTP su TLS.
    Comando:    USER admin
    Risposta:    331 Password required for admin
    Comando:    PASS ************
    Risposta:    530 Login incorrect
    Errore:    Errore critico: Impossibile collegarsi al server

    I configure the port 23 with the internal IP of NAS. I think the error code is 530.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Long shot. That isn't your nas. Does the router have an ftp server? Is the port closed when you disconnect the nas.
    ENDLESS Posts: 56  Ally Member
    Could you provide the screenshot of how you configure FTP port on NAS and port forwarding on router? As I know, port 23 is for telnet and I'm not sure if there is any problem to configure like that.
  • William990
    William990 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Sorry i mean Port 21. I'll post the screenshot of router and NAS. Thanks.

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