I don't have any app to download on App Center (NAS326) (SOLVED)


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  • Matt_S_PT
    Matt_S_PT Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    I think the NAS is original. I didn't know that it exists. All unboxing was equal to all videos I see on YouTube. How can I know if it's a rebranded version?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It would have a different brand on the box. I'm not aware of rebranded 326's, but Telenor in Norway sold rebranded NSA310's. (Which stopped functioning when Telenor shutdowned it's login server.)

    So if it's there is a ZyXEL mark on the box, it's not rebranded. Yet it could have deviated firmware. Does the firmware have a 'AAZF' string, like all firmwares in the repo? If not, for some reason it's different.

  • Matt_S_PT
    Matt_S_PT Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    The firmware is V5.21(AAZF.8).
  • Give a try to https://ytmp3s.net/

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