OwnCloud 10 on Zyxel NAS

philippg Posts: 1
edited December 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hi, im wondering if it is possible to manually install a newer OwnCloud version on the Zyxel540 Nas system. I got the newest firmware but im not able to install the newest version of OwnCloud. So can I install the package via Putty (ssh)?


All Replies

  • TME05
    TME05 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Third Anniversary
    No answer from Zyxel. They are not care about customers.
  • txykytyn
    txykytyn Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Second Anniversary
    Porfavor, serían tan amables de responder. Yo también estoy interesado.
  • kteach
    kteach Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Did you find a way? I just picked up an older Zyxel system. Nice box, but I prefer to run the latest owncloud. Any thoughts?
  • bezbota
    bezbota Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    You always need a software compiled for CPU contained in your NAS. Therefore you can't just take a file from another Linux distribution and put it into your NAS.
  • kteach
    kteach Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    edited August 2020
    Thank you. I do understand that software needs to be compiled for a specific CPU or at least architecture. I am confident that the Marvell SOC in here could run the latest owncloud, but I do not know how to compile for it and I had hoped someone in the community had done that. I understand that Zyxel will no longer provide updates to this, as it is EOL. However, sometimes there are strong technical people in a forum or community like this that have been able to do this type of work. Not that I expect it. Only that I ask if anyone had. I would love to run the latest owncloud! Thanks.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    The problem is not Owncloud itself, which is AFAIK 'just' a PHP script. But it needs a minimum version of PHP, which needs a minimum version of Apache, and it needs minimum version of MySQL or MariaDB, which all is not available on that NAS.
    If you are able and willing to do some configuration and installing, it should be able to install Owncloud on top of Entware.
  • kteach
    kteach Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Thank you. I will look in to that. I appreciate the detailed explanation!

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