Error message: multiple wifi detected

Afaester Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2020 in Multy WiFi System
I'm trying to setup my Multi X, but when trying to setup the main unit I get the above error message, and setup can't move on. I've switched off all wifi signals at home - neighbors' are still active though. I've tried resetting the unit as the guide suggests. I've reset my network settings on my android, but nothing works.

Any suggestions 8n how to move beyond that error message? 


All Replies

  • KevinZE
    KevinZE Posts: 27  Freshman Member
    I tried to reset my network setting on my iPhone, and restart the installation. then no error message ever.

  • Afaester
    Afaester Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    I'm using android, and I tried that. Still same message. 
  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    Dear Sir,

    We have contacted you via the private message.
    Please check your message box for further assistance.

    Best Regards,

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