Can't see files from file browser

amookar Posts: 3  Freshman Member

Over the last few weeks I have had issues trying to see my files on my NAS325. This is set up as RAID with 2 disks as one volume. The data is all intact as I can see it from the zCloud app on my phone. When trying to look via the file browser on the NAS Starter Utility, I see directories but not files. Also tried using Filezilla on the PC, can login to the NAS, but only shows a '\' directory with no directories or files.

I'm using Windows 10 and can't access via File Explorer, but that's a windows issue with the SMB. Which I've tried to work around, but still doesn't work.

I'd like try and get my data backed up to an external drive. Did try this by attaching a portable HDD to the USB on the front and pressing the copy button. Ran for an hour and then the a red LED indicating it failed. When I removed it and attached the external HDD to my laptop, the HDD is in-accessible.

Can you help to try and fix why the files can't be seen. If I could either get the FTP or the copy to the external drive to work, that would be appreciated. 

Thanks in advance

Best Answers

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,751  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Your data isn't gone, I think. The data volume /dev/md0 has more than 1TB data on it.

    As the ssh server doesn't stick, I think you have a damaged settings file, and I advice you to try out a factory reset first. Keep the reset button pressed until it has beeped 3 times. (+/- 15 seconds).
    After the reboot goto the shares menu and re-enable them.
  • amookar
    amookar Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    I had done a power on reset before, but may have only done it to 2 beeps. Anyways, did this to 3 beeps. Re-enabled the shares and looks good. Can access all the shares even from windows explorer. SSH still doesn't stick, but that is minor.

    Thank you very much. Now to spend hours copying the data over to a backup drive :-)

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,751  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Do you have access to the admin webpage? Can you install the ssh server package, login over ssh, and post the output of
  • amookar
    amookar Posts: 3  Freshman Member

    Yes can login to admin webpage. SSH package was showing as not enabled. Tried to enable and apply, but when I go back in, it's still not ticked. So when I use Putty to ssh in I get a Network Connection Refused. I can Telnet in and the df command displays the following,

    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mtdblock8           48896     44256      4640  91% /zyxel/mnt/nand
    /dev/sda1               497829    490380      7449  99% /zyxel/mnt/sysdisk
    /dev/loop0              138829    122773     16056  88% /ram_bin
    /dev/loop0              138829    122773     16056  88% /usr
    /dev/loop0              138829    122773     16056  88% /lib/security
    /dev/loop0              138829    122773     16056  88% /lib/modules
    /dev/ram0                 5120         4      5116   0% /tmp/tmpfs
    /dev/ram0                 5120         4      5116   0% /usr/local/etc
    /dev/ram0                 5120         4      5116   0% /usr/local/var
    /dev/mtdblock4           10240      1496      8744  15% /etc/zyxel
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /i-data/bd068fa7
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /usr/local/zy-pkgs
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /etc/zyxel/zy-pkgs
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /usr/local/apache/htdocs/adv,/pkg
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /usr/local/apache/web_framework/data/cache
    /dev/mtdblock4           10240      1496      8744  15% /usr/local/apache/web_framework/data/config
    /dev/md0             1922352464 1158637860 763714604  60% /usr/local/apache/htdocs/adv,/res/imdb_poster

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,751  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Your data isn't gone, I think. The data volume /dev/md0 has more than 1TB data on it.

    As the ssh server doesn't stick, I think you have a damaged settings file, and I advice you to try out a factory reset first. Keep the reset button pressed until it has beeped 3 times. (+/- 15 seconds).
    After the reboot goto the shares menu and re-enable them.
  • amookar
    amookar Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Answer ✓
    I had done a power on reset before, but may have only done it to 2 beeps. Anyways, did this to 3 beeps. Re-enabled the shares and looks good. Can access all the shares even from windows explorer. SSH still doesn't stick, but that is minor.

    Thank you very much. Now to spend hours copying the data over to a backup drive :-)

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