NAS 540: Volume im Raid vs Volume im Festeplattenverbund

How much faster is a "Volume im Raid"? 

Use the NAS 540 hardware raid or something like LVM?
It´s nice to know, if not the hard Drives fail but the NAS crashes.
A software raid solution can also be read and use under OMV oder other Linux distributions with LVM Support.

I not sure what happens if the raid Controller oder NAS540 fails.
Any Suggestions about performance and safety?

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
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    There is no hardware raid, just Linux software raid.
  • Okay and what is then the difference between "Volume (on Raid)" and "Volume on Disk Group"
    My Diskgroup contains 3 harddrives as Raid 5.
    At the moment i can only creates Volumes on Disk Group. 
    It´s better create Volumes directly on Raid?
    How much slower is the second option and what is differently too?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
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    Volume on Disk Group adds another LVM layer between the volume and the raid array. (On a ZyXEL NAS there is always a raid array, even when you have only one disk. In that case it's a single disk single member raid1 array)
    At the moment i can only creates Volumes on Disk Group. 
    Then you already added the LVM layer.
    It´s better create Volumes directly on Raid?
    How much slower is the second option and what is differently too?
    It's a matter of taste. When using LVM it's easier to resize and add/delete volumes. Although I don't know if the firmware has a GUI for that.
    I don't think there will be any noticeable difference in speed. In theory an extra layer is slower, as an extra calculation has to be done to calculate the relative sector address on the volume to the relative sector address of the disk. But that is nil. 

  • Thank you, the most importent thing is... which option is more or less difficult to switch to OMV
    if want additional features or if the NAS crashes ?

    Or is there no difference between the both Options.  
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    My guess is it doesn't matter. But my experience with OMV is nil.
  • OMV was an example ;) it could be any Linux Distribution with LVM Suppport.

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