Bricked NAS540 boot loop because it could not load the kernel

Hello guys I have purchased for cheap a dead 540
I like to revive it and found this existing topic

After some try & error I could get it booting the uImage.521 but the rootfs mount gets an error
After that I tried to insert a OMV usb and it boots

But I like to restore the default firmware first and get it working again before installing OMV to a SD card

@Mijzelf I hope you can help me and I appreciate you contributions
I have attached a serial log

Greetings from germany ;)

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited February 2021
    The kernel command line is incorrect. Yours is

    [0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8, init=/etc/preinit pcie_gen1_only=yes  mac_addr=00:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E,,

    Here you can find a proper bootlog, and the command line is

    [0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8, init=/etc/preinit pcie_gen1_only=yes
     mac_addr=,, ip=dhcp root=ubi0:rootfs ubi.mtd=2,2048 rootfstype=ubifs rw noinitrd
    110M(rootfs1),10M(kernel2),110M(rootfs2),-(reserved) usb3_internal_clk=yes

    The reason why your system doesn't boot is

    ubiattach: error!: cannot attach mtd7
                          error 19 (No such device)
    mount: unknown filesystem type 'ubifs'
    NAND Flash Corrupt...
    the sys-root image /dev/mtdblock7 is currupt !!

    The partitions of the flash memory should be specified in the command line. On your box they aren't, and so the original firmware cannot mount partition 7. You'll have to play with barebox to get the right command line.

    BTW, next time use a flat text editor like notepad to paste the bootlog. It's hard to read with rtf formatting.

  • @Mijzelf Thanks a lot now it boots again
    I will made two firmware flash to be secure that both kernels are OK

    Only changed one line and it works again
    I am so happy thanks a lot :3

    BTW, next time use a flat text editor like notepad to paste the bootlog. It's hard to read with rtf formatting.
    I am using MobaXterm and .rtf is what it exports
    But the forum did not allowed the .rtf extension.
    So I thought it would be clear to remove the .txt

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