Armor G1 poor performance :(



  • Asgatlat
    Asgatlat Posts: 106  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    i've tried google DNS but same result
    so i tried another thing and seems to be better : 
    i switch the Armor into AP mode and my ISP modem in router mode and everythings works better
    so the router function of the Armor seems to be bad

  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Why does the router only manage 200 mbit in 5 ghz wifi? My line has 500 mbit the router does not manage to transmit. In 2.4 ghz mode it does not manage more than 60 mbit. The range is good but the speed is too slow. What can be the reason for this?
  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Why is it not possible to turn off the 2.4 ghz mode in the router? You can only run 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz together or both separately. 
  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
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    Geben Sie Ihren Kommentar einWith every change in the settings it loses the 5ghz mode. I can not understand the error. sometimes the 5 ghz mode fails for half an hour and then is suddenly available again without change. I test another 1 or 2 days if there is no improvement I send the router back again.
  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
    First Comment Friend Collector
    the translation into german is horrible there is german support who should be able to translate the menu properly 
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited February 2021
    Groose Gott and Hello @LeMac
    According to the Armor G1 user guide at seems like you always have to have both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi enabled at the same time.
         - you can give them different SSID though, or it can be the same.

    To get the 300Mbits speed on WiFi, you need to set the WiFi bandwidth to 40MHz see and hope that there is enough channels available.
          - this article suggests using 20MHz bandwidth in the 2.4 GHz band because it is more congested.
          - You could then use 40MHz bandwidth in the 5 GHz band as it is currently less congested.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,
  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Hi Tony, even 300 mbit are in the same room is too slow when advertised with 2600. I have a 500 mbit line and that should also be achieved. In the future I have 1000 mbit and the router should also be able to transmit. What is the 2.5 gb lan connection for if it can not handle such speeds?
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
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    edited February 2021
    Groose Gott @LeMac

    Here is a Google Translate version of the above.

    Laut dem Armor G1-Benutzerhandbuch unter müssen Sie immer sowohl 2,4 GHz als auch 5 GHz Wii haben gleichzeitig aktiviert.
          - Sie können ihnen jedoch eine andere SSID geben, oder es kann dieselbe sein.

    Um die 300-Mbit-Geschwindigkeit über WLAN zu erhalten, müssen Sie die WLAN-Bandbreite auf 40 MHz einstellen (siehe Bandbreite und hoffe, dass genügend Kanäle verfügbar sind.
           - In diesem Artikel wird vorgeschlagen, eine Bandbreite von 20 MHz im 2,4-GHz-Band zu verwenden, da diese stärker überlastet ist.
           - Sie könnten dann eine 40-MHz-Bandbreite im 5-GHz-Band verwenden, da diese derzeit weniger überlastet ist.

    Kind regards,
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Groose Gott @LeMac

    WiFi is often slower than your Broadband speed.

    And it is dependent on the channel bandwidth, and according to the Armor G1 should support IEEE 802.11ac in 5GHz band.

    According to the standard allows channel bandwidths for IEEE 802.11ac of 20, 40, 80 or 160MHz.

    I don't know if the Armor G1 supports all of these channel bandwidths in 5GHz.

    Kind regards,
  • LeMac
    LeMac Posts: 16
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Hallo Tony,
    is 300 mbit the maximum that can be achieved with the Amor g1?

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