Hard disk Compatibility for NSA221

Recently, my NSA221, yes NSA221! showed a red light for my disk 1.  I checked the manual and it suggests that my harddrive is degraded.  Well, my NSA is still nice and good and I don't want to dump a workable (still) NSA and buy a new one.  Thus, I would like to buy a new harddisk to replace the degraded one.  It seems that the SATA-3 HD can downward compatible to SATA1 and 2.  I would wonder whether a SATA-3 harddisc, Ironwolf 1TB, can be used on my NSA? 

Thanks in advance.

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,889  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I would wonder whether a SATA-3 harddisc, Ironwolf 1TB, can be used on my NSA? 

    It should. SATA is SATA. I don't know if the box supports GPT, so a disk >2TB could be a problem.

  • I will have a try and see!  Thank you so much!

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