Install SMB V2 on NSA325


I've seen some posts regarding this natively supporting only SMB V1 so unable to be used in Windows 10 environments without compromising security.

I was hoping somebody could take me through the steps of installing a later version of Samba from say, the Entware Package Repository.

I'm not a Linux guru but know some of the basic stuff but really need a guide on how to make my NSA325 usable for a bit longer.



All Replies

  • Robster
    Robster Posts: 6
    Thanks for this - that thread has a lot of good information  =)
    I've started down the list and fallen pretty close to the start with opkg.

    I get this message ... 

    / # opkg update
    FATAL: kernel too old
    Aborted (core dumped)

    Any ideas what I should do to allow this to move on?


  • Robster
    Robster Posts: 6
    This may be helpful (or not) ...

    # cat /proc/version
    Linux version (root@BuildMachine) (gcc version 4.3.2 (sdk3.3-ct-ng-1.4.1) ) #2 Wed Jun 21 16:44:13 CST 2017
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,894  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Entware-ng needs kernel 2.6.32 or newer. Since most kirkwood devices have a kernel that is a problem. I recompiled the Entware-ng libc with support for 2.6.24 and newer. These libraries are automatically installed if you have an 'old' kernel.

    If for some reason the stock libc would be reinstalled, nothing works anymore. You only get 'FATAL! Kernel too old' messages. The remedy is to run /opt/sbin/ (or reboot, then that script will also be executed) that restores the symlinks.

  • Robster
    Robster Posts: 6
    Mijzelf said:
    The remedy is to run /opt/sbin/ (or reboot, then that script will also be executed) that restores the symlinks.

    I don't have this file ... when I run this ...
    # wget
    # ./

    It also fails on an error related to the kernel being too old - is there another path I should use for the installation of Entware?

    This is my output;
    Info: Checking for prerequisites and creating folders...
    Info: Opkg package manager deployment...
               => `/opt/bin/opkg'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 127,636 [application/octet-stream]

    100%[========================================================================>] 127,636       --.--K/s

    18:07:03 (1.45 MB/s) - `/opt/bin/opkg' saved [127636/127636]

               => `/opt/etc/opkg.conf'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 142 [application/octet-stream]

    100%[========================================================================>] 142           --.--K/s

    18:07:03 (1.35 MB/s) - `/opt/etc/opkg.conf' saved [142/142]

               => `/opt/lib/'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 142,748 [application/octet-stream]

    100%[========================================================================>] 142,748       --.--K/s

    18:07:04 (1.16 MB/s) - `/opt/lib/' saved [142748/142748]

               => `/opt/lib/'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1,256,816 [application/octet-stream]

    100%[========================================================================>] 1,256,816      3.89M/s

    18:07:04 (3.88 MB/s) - `/opt/lib/' saved [1256816/1256816]

               => `/opt/lib/'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 44,016 [application/octet-stream]

    100%[========================================================================>] 44,016        --.--K/s

    18:07:05 (673.00 KB/s) - `/opt/lib/' saved [44016/44016]

    Info: Basic packages installation...
    FATAL: kernel too old
    FATAL: kernel too old
    /opt/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive: No such file or directory
    Info: Congratulations!
    Info: If there are no errors above then Entware-ng was successfully initialized.
    Info: Add /opt/bin & /opt/sbin to your PATH variable
    Info: Add '/opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start' to startup script for Entware-ng services to start
    Info: Found a Bug? Please report at

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,894  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Ah, sorry. You need a special script to install Entware-ng on a ZyXEL. The easiest way to install it is to install MetaRepository first. (Scroll down for instructions). After that you have Entware-ng as installable package, and this version supports older kernels.
  • Robster
    Robster Posts: 6
    Ok, I think I'm getting closer ... I've tried to follow the instructions and get the MetaRepositiory installed but then when I click refresh, it repopulates the package list with the old packages and has overwritten the web_prefix file with this;

    /i-data/aba96171/admin/zy-pkgs # cat web_prefix

    None of the packages look any different from before and none are showing an "update" is available :(

    Thanks for your help.
  • Robster
    Robster Posts: 6
    Actually, I've continued and managed to installed Entware-ng now ... will this now let me install the later Samba SMB V2 package now?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,894  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It is supposed to. Why are you asking? Doesn't it work?
  • Norbi
    Norbi Posts: 18  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Hello Mijzelf,

    A few weeks ago you helped me fix my NSA320S not showing the package list.
    After it I successfully installad SMB2, but 2 days ago after 2 power failures the Samba2 failed.
    No error message, but the Samba1 started and I've never reinstalled again with the same method.

    Now I have exactly the same problem I read in this comments. I have the same kernel version, same error messages, but I'm so sad, that this thread has no success in the end. :disappointed:

    Actually I tried to reinstall Entware-ng from scratch several times, but never succeed.
    It's a bit strange, that when I update the opkg with 'opkg update' it updates itself too, and copies a version, that incompatible with my kernel.
    So I tried to overwrite it with the original, not-updated version after it downloaded and installed the samba replacement package.
    It partially worked with your and libraries, but the SMB2 cannot start:

    Stopping Samba daemons: nmbd smbd./opt/sbin/nmbd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory/opt/sbin/smbd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    I see, that is a symlink to, and I think I need from every library.
    Do you have them?
    Or - you wrote to Robster: You need a special script to install Entware-ng on a ZyXEL.
    Do you have this?

    Naturally I tried the Metarepository method several times without success. 

    Do you have any idea?


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