Social media on Android


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  • i was having the same issue. Anyone heard about Clash of Clans game? Whenever i tried to play it, my network lost and game restarts. While i can play YouTube videos with no net prob. i still don't know what's the prob. So any valid response will be helpful...don't come with other apps suggestions like kinemaster mod, GBwhatsapp etc. 

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hello @Nobita

    Looking at it seems that Clash of Clans is (was in 2018) sensitive to WiFi signal strength (and maybe broadband speed also...)

    Is the CoC behaviour different when you are closer to router?
        - if yes, then maybe WiFi signal strength is your issue, and you might need a WiFi repeater/booster or a different router with more antennas.
         - if no, then we need to look for another issue.

    Kind regards,
  • Thanks for the response @tonygibbs16. distance between the device and router is not the issue. router is in my room and even at half meter's distance....i'm facing this issue. don't know why. 
    And sorry..supercell forums are in Maintenance! so i will look the shared link later. will contact you after that too. 
  • I faced a similar issue earlier, but I successfully resolved it by remove WhatsApp, Facebook, blink app, and games. Upon reinstalling them from Google Play, all the problems disappeared.

  • Avery78
    Avery78 Posts: 1
    First Comment
    edited February 2024

    I absolutely adore the variety and simplicity of social networking on Android! Staying connected has never been easier, thanks to seamless connectivity and a wide range of apps to select from. Whether it's sharing memories, networking, or simply remaining up to date, my Android mobile keeps me interested and informed.🏝️

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