WAP3205 V3 very slow speed

I have this AP connected with ethernet to my router but the WiFi signal is extremely slow at times ( below 10 mps) despite having my PC very close (1 meter) and the router is still delivering the adequate speed (30 mps). I have checked the settings but could not identify anything wrong. Tks in advance for any advise.

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  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,337  Guru Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited October 2021
    AFAIK WAP3205 v3 is (as other WAP 3205 versions) a 2.4ghz AP only and capable of 802.11n networks (and older) only.

    If 10mps you're referring are (Megabit par second) about the negotiation between network adapters, maybe there could be other 2.4Ghz radios near your setup (WLANs, but not limited to that) that are creating issue in signal-to-noise ratio.
    If 10mbps is about file transfer speed (Megabyte par second) ... that's not that horrible. I know that the 25-30 mbps theoretically obtainable during transfer rate should be more appealing, but anyway... Ethernet overhead, MTU Overhead, TCP/IP overhead bit-to-byte ratio... Sometimes eats more than desired.

    Last but not least, not all wireless network adapters work "at best performance possible". 1 meter should seem the perfect distance, but I learned that WLANs likes best more than 2 meters distance for achieving best performances and... As i learned from a Mediatek-based USB WLAN adapter or a Realtek Mini-PCI adapter, some of them change a lot behaviour after tweaking settings or updating/changing drivers.

    You're not providing any of your configuration details (without sensitive data like SSID, cypher, etc etc) but... i hope that this few hints can help you.

    If your AP use static channel, try one week or two with dynamic channel selection. Behavior could become a bit more erratic, but the algorithm could find a "less crowded spot" for a better frequency could improve a bit the experience.
    If your AP use dynamic channel selection, time to use some "tools" for finding if there's a "lesser bad" static settings. Try to scan your surroundings for networks with appropriate tools, find if there's any "low intensity enough" frequency spot where you are and try with a static channel.
    If you're using 40mhz channels instead of 20mhz channels, try one week with 20mhz channel only. Less speed in theory could become more transport capacity in facts due to reduced radio noise.

    If your surround is... crowded. Well.. Maybe a 5Ghz AP could be a better solution, if all your client devices are 5ghz capable.
  • Rudy
    Rudy Posts: 2
    Thank you for your detailed answer. Some of these technical suggestions are a bit more than my technical knowledge but I will dive into it and learn somewhat more and apply your suggestions.
    I have obviously access to the settings of the AP and will surely be able to trace back what you mentioned. I will revert if/when needed but may take some time. Very much appreciated.

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