NAS540 degraded disk, tried repair, now volume down


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  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
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    edited December 2021
    I can see that there is used 31%, but I can't access the date. Volume 1 have only sda, sdb and sdc, sdd is marked as hotspare. Should I try and recreate the volume again, with all four disks?
    I'm planing to backup the entire volume, when I gain access to it, and I have a 12TB USB disk ready to use!
  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
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    I can't access my shares ( status is "lost"), but Zyxels shares, video,admin, ect.. can I access.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
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    edited December 2021
    Kuno said:
    I can see that there is used 31%
    In that case the filesystem is OK.
    I can't access my shares ( status is "lost"), but Zyxels shares, video,admin, ect.. can I access.

    Your shares are 'lost' because they are on another volume. For reasons unknown to me ZyXEL identifies the volume on the UUID of the raid array, instead of the UUID of the filesystem. The filesystem is still the same, but you created a new raid array around it. So go to the shares menu, and promote your directories on the volume to shares.

  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary
    I can't do anything with the "lost" shares in the shares section.
  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary
    Btw I just saw, that files under "admin/download/NZBget" is still there.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
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    All your data is still there.
    Kuno said:
    I can't do anything with the "lost" shares in the shares section.
    You can't do anything with your lost shares, because the firmware implementation won't let you. A 'share' is from the firmware's view, nothing more than a directory which is marked 'share', with the right credentials and ownership. More specific, it's the directory /i-data/<volumename>/<sharename>/ which has this mark. Problem is, volume <volumename> doesn't exist anymore, as the raid array doesn't exist anymore. and the firmware doesn't allow you to edit the directory name of the share.
    The data is still there, but the volumename has changed. (Btw, the real volume name a an 8 digit hexadecimal value, something like 'C12DAF54'. If you look at the contents of /i-data/ , 'ls /i-data', you'll see the new volumename. Not that it matters) So you'll need a better look in the shares menu, and find the directories on the new volume, to turn them into a share.
  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
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    I'm sorry to be a pain in your but, Mijzelf, but I can't find a share menu. Only the share section in control panel, where the shares are marked "lost". I can't do anything to them there. Is there another place, where I can access a shares menu?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,885  Guru Member
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    Answer ✓
    In 'Control Panel'->'Privilege and Sharing'->'Shared Folders' all 'flat directories' in the volumes are listed as 'disabled'. You can enable them via the 'Edit share' icon.
    But now I see the given volume name is not the hexcode, but some user supplied name. As that name is stored on the filesystem, it is possible that the 'lost' shares hide the 'disabled' shares, as they are on different volumes, which yet have the same names. Confusing.

    To solve this you can change the user supplied volume name:

    cd /i-data/sysvol/.system/
    echo "Your own volume name" >name_label

  • Kuno
    Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary
    I did what you told me to do, and then enabled the shares, and gave read/write access to them also, and then all files are back. Copying them to 12TB USB disk right now!! Thanks a lot for all your help!

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