WAC6503D-S power problem with Cisco Switch WS-C2960X-24PD-L [solved]

Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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edited May 2024 in Wireless

zyxell NXC5500 ,  115 AP ( WAC6103D-I and WAC6503D-S ) , all switches are cisco.

on Cisco Switch WS-C2960X-24PD-L ( poe + mode 4 available)

We have a problem with all the WAC6503D-S
on the controller interface :    Monitor -> Wireless -> AP information
for WAC6103D-I  power mode  = full for all
for WAC6503D-S power mode = limited for all

on cisco switch :

WAC6103D-I on port Gi1/0/9 :

SR21_211-213#sh power inline gi1/0/9 det
 Interface: Gi1/0/9
 Inline Power Mode: auto
 Operational status: on
 Device Detected: no
 Device Type: Ieee PD
 IEEE Class: 4
 Discovery mechanism used/configured: Unknown
 Police: off

 Power Allocated
 Admin Value: 30.0
 Power drawn from the source: 15.4
 Power available to the device: 15.4
 Actual consumption
 Measured at the port: 4.5
 Maximum Power drawn by the device since powered on: 5.4
 Absent Counter: 0
 Over Current Counter: 0
 Short Current Counter: 0
 Mosfet Counter: 0
 Invalid Signature Counter: 0
 Power Denied Counter: 0

 Power Negotiation Used: None
 LLDP Power Negotiation --Sent to PD--      --Rcvd from PD--
   Power Type:          -                    -
   Power Source:        -                    -
   Power Priority:      -                    -
   Requested Power(W):  -                    -
   Allocated Power(W):  -                    -

Four-Pair PoE Supported: No
Spare Pair Power Enabled: No
Four-Pair PD Architecture: N/A

WAC6503D-S on Gi1/0/2 :

SR21_211-213#sh power inline gi1/0/2 det
 Interface: Gi1/0/2
 Inline Power Mode: auto
 Operational status: on
 Device Detected: no
 Device Type: Ieee PD
 IEEE Class: 4
 Discovery mechanism used/configured: Unknown
 Police: off

 Power Allocated
 Admin Value: 30.0
 Power drawn from the source: 15.4
 Power available to the device: 15.4
 Actual consumption
 Measured at the port: 3.8
 Maximum Power drawn by the device since powered on: 4.9
 Absent Counter: 0
 Over Current Counter: 0
 Short Current Counter: 0
 Mosfet Counter: 0
 Invalid Signature Counter: 0
 Power Denied Counter: 0

 Power Negotiation Used: None
 LLDP Power Negotiation --Sent to PD--      --Rcvd from PD--
   Power Type:          -                    -
   Power Source:        -                    -
   Power Priority:      -                    -
   Requested Power(W):  -                    -
   Allocated Power(W):  -                    -

Four-Pair PoE Supported: No
Spare Pair Power Enabled: No
Four-Pair PD Architecture: N/A

power allocation is ok on the switch module 1 :

SR21_211-213#sh power inline           

Module   Available     Used     Remaining
          (Watts)     (Watts)    (Watts)
------   ---------   --------   ---------
1           370.0      169.4       200.6
2           370.0      107.8       262.2
3           370.0      345.4        24.6

We try lot  of  thinks on the cisco (force mode 4 , disable lldp /cdp , force port to 100Mb/s )

How can we make WAC6503D-S  working at power mode to Full ?



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  • Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @nicolas_renault,

    ZYXEL AP will ask for AF power in the beginning to bootup. Normally, it should use LLDP to communicate with the PoE switch to get AT power after AF power; however, our AP does not support LLDP now, so it will keep AF power.
    Please disable the LLDP on the Cisco switch port which connects to the AP to let the hardware provide the largest power directly. 

  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Hi Joslyn,

    Thank for the answer.
    Actions :
    cisco => no lldp run , no cdp run (disabled globally).
    I check that is disable with show lldp and show cdp ==>  % LLDP is not enabled , % CDP is not enabled

    reset of poe on port with WAC6503D-S at the end of the wire (40 meters).

    AP reboot and I can see that this not work as expected , always says "limited" on the controller GUI , and show power inline on port says :

    Power Allocated
     Admin Value: 30.0
     Power drawn from the source: 30.0
     Power available to the device: 30.0
     Actual consumption
     Measured at the port: 4.0
     Maximum Power drawn by the device since powered on: 4.8

    So I try on cisco port

    power inline auto   , reboot AP ==> same result
    power inline static , reboot AP ==> same result
    power inline static max 30000 ==> same result

    when i say "reboot AP"  its means unplug cable , plug cable. so no more poe.

    But from my first post i notice that with a WAC6103D-I and WAC6503D-S use the same amount of power (about 5W ), could it be a screen bug on the GUI ?

    how many watt should use a WAC6103D-I and WAC6503D-S in normal conditions ?

    What can be the problem when an AP is in power mode  "limited" on the GUI ?



  • Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi Nicolas,

    From our datasheet, the PoE power draw of 
    WAC6503D-S: 17.04W
    WAC6103D-I: 12.48W
    If it showed Limited in the Power mode, it means WAC receives power through a PoE switch/injector using IEEE 802.3af PoE.
    I am wondering if you have another PoE switch.
    If yes, please help to disable the LLDP on the switch port and connect WAC6503D-S to observe if the status is still the same. It could help me to eliminate the hardware issue.
    If WAC6503D-S could get full power with another PoE switch, we might need to realize the connection between Cisco and WAC6503D-S.
    If WAC6503D-S still gets limit power, we might consider it is a hardware issue.

  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Hi Joslyn, 

    AS I said in first post 
    "zyxell NXC5500 ,  115 AP ( WAC6103D-I and WAC6503D-S ) , all switches are cisco
    We have a problem with all the WAC6503D-S " 

    So we have the "power mode" "limited" for all the AP WAC6503D-S (about 50 AP ) 

    We have a Zyxel POE switch and if we use it , they is NO more power mode => limited for the WAC6503D-S 

    We thinks it's a connexion problem betwen CISCO switches and this model of AP . 

    As I said  we check the wire even if we don't thinks that the problem is there as we have the problem on all the 50 WAC6503D-S (wire from 10m to 80m ) 

    may be the "four wire poe+" capability of the CISCO or AP ? 

    If you need more informations , we can provide logs or command results from cisco or from Zyxel controller. 

    Thanks a lot for your help.
  • Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @nicolas_renault

    Could you provide your area?
    I will ask our local support to contact with you.

  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    We are in France ( Europe).


  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    edited September 2018

    With the help of Zyxel Support team , the problem is over.
    They saw the same behavior with Cisco switch and zyxel AP in their lab and made a new firmware.  We installed it and no more troubles.
    For those who encounter the same problem , I think that it will be a new official release soon.
    ( I don't have information about the root cause , may be lldp ? )

    My colleagues and I want to thanks the Zyxel Team that was very concern about our problem.

    Cheer all.  


    ( I edit the title to add [solved]  )

  • Posts: 1  Freshman Member
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    Will this fixed firmware be released soon?  I have 3 of these devices in use with a NXC2500 and a Cisco SG200-26 (small install) and I'm also seeing this problem.
  • Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
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    The formal released is under working. It will be released in next year.
    I already sent you the DF. Please check your private message and let me know if it works.

  • Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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    edited March 2019

    The formal released is under working. It will be released in next year.
    I already sent you the DF. Please check your private message and let me know if it works.


    Hi, we are experiencing the exact same problem with the WAC6303D-S and Cisco 2960L-24PS-LL switches.
    I've asked the Zyxel support in case number #42622 about getting this DF that will solve the issue, but haven't got any solution yet.
    I've tried updating the AP's with firmware 5.40C0, but this firmware does not solve the PoE Plus negotiation...
    Could you please send me a link to a firmware which solves the problem?


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