NR7101 access point connection unstable

Luca789 Posts: 13  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
Hi guys, 

I connected 2 different access point to the router but the connection is completely unstable. I connect wifi with my android phone to the access point, it seems to work, the speed test works and I can surf. Unfrtunately after a while the esclamation mark shows up next the wifi icon and it stops working. after another while it starts again. I don't know. is there any setting that I forgot to configure?

All Replies

  • rhell
    rhell Posts: 1

    I had similar issue, I also have two wifi access points in my network.

    Reading through an Austrian lteforum I spotted that someone had the issue that the NR7101 drops all traffic when a new device joins the network and asks for an IP via DHCP.

    You can test if you have this issue by opening up command prompt on a computer and do a command: ping -t

    Then enable e.g. wifi on your phone and let it connect and request IP. You should see the ping responses drop for some seconds.

    This issue is present at least in 1.00(ABUV.4)C0.

    I fixed the issue by changing the modem from routed to IP passthrough mode (bridged). I use my old 4G-modem as router for now.
  • Luca789
    Luca789 Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Yeah ok but it's a huge issue
  • Luca789
    Luca789 Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    I updated the firmware to abuv6 and the issue was solved

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