LTE3301-M209 WiFi connection

tvvsys Posts: 2
First Comment
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
I have 4 devices connected by WiFi. 2 of them (ipad mini and Samsung A51) work fine. But 2 (Xiaomi smartphone and Asus notebook) have problem. Frequently they say "no internet", and even cannot access, although WiFi connection is established and other connected devices work without problem. Rebooting router helps, but for some time only.

All Replies

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 206  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Hi tvvsys, 

    Please follow the steps below to clarify the situation when the issue happens: 
    1. Does the Xiaomi smartphone and Asus notebook have an IP address when the issue happens? You may type "ipconfig" in Command Prompt to see if the Asus notebook has an IP address. 

    2. Access the LTE3301-M209's user interface by ipad mini or Samsung A51, and check if the MAC address of the Xiaomi smartphone and Asus notebook is on the UI pages?

    3. If both question 1 and question 2 have an IP address for Xiaomi and Asus, compare if the IP addresses shown in question 1 and question 2 are the same. In other words, compare the IP address that the Xiaomi/Asus has and the IP address displayed on the LTE3301-M209's UI. 



  • onesmartsheep1
    onesmartsheep1 Posts: 4
    First Comment
    edited October 2022
    When I first read about it, I thought it was because of the divide load on the internet source, but I thank you Bob, you have explained everything beautifully. Thank you for enlighten me as well.  :3
  • tvvsys
    tvvsys Posts: 2
    First Comment
    Thank you, Bob!
    When problem occurs, Asus cannot connect to router, so it has no IP address. In control panel/wireless connection it says "attempt to check fir authenticitt" (may be not exact translation). In the same time Mi 11 is connected to router but without internet access. IP addresses are the same in router UI and smartphone connection details. Previously I have fixed  IP addresses on router for each device.

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