Multy-U green light problem

I reset one of my multiple routers (not the main one) and although the indicator light turned green, it hasn't changed since. Additionally, I removed the device from the iOS app, but when attempting to re-add it, the light never turns solid blue.

What steps can I take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue?

All Replies

  • when I searched the community, I found this question. This is the exact same problem that I encounter. I did every thing that djindjin did.

  • PixelAXE
    PixelAXE Posts: 22  Freshman Member
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    Have you ever pressed the reset button when the device is rebooting?

    If you do the reset when the device is rebooting, the led will turn LED green.
    Please plug in the power and wait for the device to become led blue
    And then you can start to install the Multy U device.

  • Most probably it's been 2 days and I plug&unplug several times then I kept plug in, and LED is stil solid green. It is never turns blue. And I reset again while the LED was green and nothing changed keep contionue to shining green. :(

    Also, I read the manual and search on web for throbleshooing and no one mention about Green color. What is green color even mean?

  • PixelAXE
    PixelAXE Posts: 22  Freshman Member
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    edited April 2023

    It was strange to see the device's LED turn green for no apparent reason. I encountered this issue when I mistak try to reset the device while it was rebooting, which caused the LED green, as mentioned in the article

    However, I was able to resolve the issue by unplugging and plugging back in the power adapter.

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited April 2023

    posted because the link above in @PixelAXE 's post didn't work for me. It has http11s in it when I hover over it.

    Kind regards, Tony

  • Thanks for the information Tony 🙏.. But reboot too many times and every time after several yellowish blinks it turns green again..

  • PixelAXE
    PixelAXE Posts: 22  Freshman Member
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    Looks like it is hardware issue, you may find your local support for further assistance

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,324  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @burakbasci
    Based on the information provided, it seems like it is hardware related issue.
    Please initiate an paid RMA request to have the faulty device replaced.

    You can contact the whom you purchased the device to initiate the process.

  • can6
    can6 Posts: 1
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @burakbasci

    I had the same issue today with my Multy U device.

    Actually there are two types of green. You should see the green color when you press the reset button while the LED shows amber color. In that case turn off the power and plug it again. Then wait, first it will show amber color, then it will show blinking amber color. In the end it will show Lake Green.

    I am assuming you were observing the same color. After 1 hour I just gave up to expect blue color and tried to connect while it shows Lake Green and it just worked. My advice is to put your phone close to the device in the first step of installation. I have waited like 15 minutes and eventually it found the device. Now I have synced the main device with other Multy U and completed the installation without any problem.

    I hope this helps.

    Have good day,

  • I think I have solve mystery of the green light.

    I'ts trying to be blue, but leds are worn out so all you see is green because there is no blue left anymore.

    I figured this out when installing brand new Multy U unit, colors are something totally different than in old ones.

    So solid "green" light is actually blue and its in setup mode.

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