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edited July 2023 in Personal Cloud Storage



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  • Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    As I know, to change domain name, you can still set up DDNS by configuring your router.
    Enable DDNS on the WAN interface of your router (you can find free ddns to use them) and configure the necessary port forwarding rules to forward traffic from the WAN to the LAN IP address of your NAS. Once this is done, you can access your NAS using your domain name and the specific port number you configured for the port forwarding rule.

  • and for edit login page?

  • Posts: 92  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    You can change the server name on the NAS, the NAS326 model uses the server name as the login page url in the local network, go to Control Panel > System > Severe name. You can change the server name there.

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    The startup schedule doesn't work, I've set up a one-shot ignition and nothing happens. Why does this happen?


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