NAS 326: Adding new HDD/volume?

gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary

I need some help.
My NAS 326 had a single HDD that recently became full. I bought another HDD, put it in the NAS, created the volume with create.
However, I can't see the new volume in the Explorer, so I can't copy any data to it.
Where do I have to configure it so that the second HDD/Volume is visible?

Manyt thanks.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    You are not accessing Volumes from Explorer, but shares. So go to the Shares menu and create a share on the new disk.

  • gkovats
    gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary


    I have managed to configure sharing.

    Many thanks!

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