Printable infosheet for rack

novasune Posts: 11  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited July 2024 in Nebula Ideas

I think it would be really smart and easy to make a button where you print out a piece of paper you can put on inside of the rack panel, with a picture of the switch and port roles populated. That makes it easier to see what each port are for, without having to access nebula or switch to look it up.

All info is there already, all you need is a function to generate a printable page/pdf.
Below is just an example, but i think the following things could be relevant:
ID/Port numer
Vlan type(with name?) , like Vlan10:Office , or Trunk(20,30)or Trunk(All)
Location:What port is connected (already known from the port configuration , if used)
LLDP info (also known ,atleast at time of print)
Last up: When was something connected to this port last time(when you run out of ports and decide what to unplug because you arent exactly sure because of poor documentation)

So when you make a change to port roles , you print out a new sheet and hang up, and ofcourse stamped with "time of print" .

That would add a proffesional touch, lets be honest, not all rack documentation is updated or even prest, this could be a great tool to help on that !

4 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,753  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @novasune,

    Thanks for your input. Additionally, Nebula provides an export port information function (Pro Pack feature). I would like to share the export steps with you:

    1. Please go to Configuration > switches > Switch ports to filter the switch you want to export its information:
    2. Click the column selector to select the information you want to display:
    3. Click the export button to export the CSV file:
    4. Then you will get the port information file:
    5. Finally, you may copy the information and paste it with Transpose to fulfill your requirements. Also, you can download the device photo on the Zyxel official website.

    Hope it helps.

    Zyxel Melen

  • novasune
    novasune Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    I am aware of the export feature and it does the job pretty well .
    The feature i seek is pretty much just a "front end" for that ,saving the hassle of going thru excel and finding the photo. I am aware this method is more flexible , still i think it would be a neat and probably fairly easy thing to implement .

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,753  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @novasune,

    Thanks for your feedback. We will monitor other users' feedback, including votes and comments on this topic, which will be considered in our ongoing product evaluations.

    Zyxel Melen

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