NSA325V2 very slow write speed

Hi, I just installed a Zyxel NSA325V2 with 2 3tb hdd's in Raid1. Firmware is V4.70(AALS.0). When I test the speed from my M1 Mini Mac to the NAS with AmorphousDiskMark 4.0 to the public folder on the NAS I get following speeds:
Read - 91,25 MB/s and Write - 15,71 MB/s. Any idea why the write speed is so slow ?
Kind regards ... 

All Replies

  • Also another question, can i downgrade the firmware to an older version. If yes, where can i find older firmware. If i completed reset the nsa325v2 do i have the initial older firmware ?
  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    I do not have NAS325v2, there is a way to downgrade the firmware.
    You can refer to this article.

  • If after considering these factors, you still experience slow write speeds, it may be helpful to consult Zyxel support or seek assistance from a tech-savvy friend or professional to perform a more in-depth analysis of your NAS configuration and network setup.

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