Connect a device via LAN port


I have a NR5101 with 5G cellular connection as the internet provider.

Via wifi everything works okayish but when connecting a device through LAN port I do not get any connection...

From my device (Zimaboard) I can see orange light blinking and status to be connected but no internet is provided to the device. I tried both ports on the modem and device with different cables without any better results.

Should I configure something to make this possible?

All Replies

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 216  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Justice,

    What does orange blinking on Zimaboard mean?

    Also, what is the IP address on Zimaboard?



  • Hi Bob, I have the same problem with my Samung Smart TV : connexion is not possible. Maybe I have to create a manual connexion : in that case what DNS Server and IP Gateway have I to note? I can' find it. Thank you !

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 216  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi FlrntQr,

    If DHCP server is enabled on NR5101, supposedly your smart TV should receive an IP address from the NR5101 automatically.

    If you're going to set a connection manually, the IP gateway is the same as your NR5101's LAN IP address, for example, For DNS server, you may use the NR5101's LAN IP address, but this requires a corresponding settings on the NR5101; another safe setting is to set the DNS server that your Internet Service Provider uses/allows, for example, Google's DNS server (IP address:



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