NSA 325 v2 unable to delete file

sniktaw Posts: 9  Freshman Member
First Comment Fifth Anniversary

As the title suggests I'm unable to delete some files (through Windows File Explorer, Web Interface or SSH).

Files I can delete have Admin as the owner with permissions rwxrwxrwx

Files I cannot delete have 10018 as the owner with permissions rwxr-sr-x

I am unable to change the permissions.

Any ideas how to resolve this?



All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,887  Guru Member
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    That is a strange list of attributes, rwxr-sr-x. The set-group-ID bit is set, which means it set the process’s effective group ID to that of the file, when executed. If the group is root, or 0 (zero), then maybe it's malware?

    Anyway, the ability to delete a file is not a consequence of the file attributes, but of the directory attributes. I think you have no write access for that directory, maybe because it's 'w' bit isn't set.

  • sniktaw
    sniktaw Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary

    Thanks for the quick response. Can you recommend the best way to edit permissions please?
    the folder structure is: NFS\ABC\DEF\GHI\file.jpg
    I can delete other folders from folder ABC but cannot delete folder DEF or the file.jpg
    I cannot change the permissions, in Windows 10 file explorer, of folder DEF or GHI. Error: Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.
    Thank you, again.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,887  Guru Member
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    Is it possible that the other, deleteable directories in ABC were empty? You can't delete a not-empty directory, so when a directory contains a non-deleteable file, you can't delete it, although you have the right permissions.

    In this case I'd login over ssh, and execute:

    cd /path/to/ABC
    chmod -R a+w DEF

    to give everybody write access to every file in DEF. If you don't know where ABC is located, execute

    cat /etc/exports

    to see the location of all NFS exports.

    But maybe you should first execute 'dmesg', to see if there is a filesystem corruption.

  • sniktaw
    sniktaw Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary

    Deleteable directories in ABC not empty.

    Changed permissions as suggeseted and great, that worked. Thank you so much.

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