Unable to set Timezone - nas326 V5.21(AAZF.16)

NathanS Posts: 5  Freshman Member
First Comment Sixth Anniversary

With the latest firmware, I'm seeing a bug where I cannot change the timezone from UTC+8(Taipei). You can change it but apply will flip it back. I'm suspecting this may be whats breaking SMB authentication

All Replies

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 111  Ally Member
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    After changing the settings on the timezone, SSH into the device and type the command 'date'. What is the result? If it remains the same, it may indicate an issue with the NAS. If it changes, it could be due to browser cache.

  • NathanS
    NathanS Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Sixth Anniversary

    It persists in UTC+8. I can't ssh accepting pubkey rsa and dss only, no password/ed25519 and copying my key over to /root/authorized.keys didn't work and disappeared on reboot)

    /etc/localtime is a link to /etc/myMyZone and not /usr/share/zoneinfo/… as in a normal distro.
    timedatectl I believe should be able to write this file but it's not present.

  • NathanS
    NathanS Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Sixth Anniversary
    edited February 15

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 111  Ally Member
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    im not sure about the cause of this kind of issue, maybe command not being available to change the timezone. it's possible that performing a reset to restore the settings could be helpful in resolving the issue.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,790  Guru Member
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    copying my key over to /root/authorized.keys didn't work and disappeared on reboot)

    The /root directory is located in the initrd, and so it's empty on each boot.

    /etc/localtime is a link to /etc/myMyZone and not /usr/share/zoneinfo/… as in a normal distro.
    timedatectl I believe should be able to write this file but it's not present.

    As you already guessed this is not a normal distro. It's an embedded one with severe space constraints (everything has to fit in 128MB). The file /etc/myMyZone is generated on boot by some firmware daemon. (It has to be generated, /etc is also in initrd). Well, maybe it's not generated, and are you looking to a default one which had to be overwritten. In that case it could be caused by a corrupted setting file, and could @suisei 's advice work.

  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 4
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary

    I am having the same issue.

  • zach22
    zach22 Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Same issue here. Defaults to Taipei. I can set Indiana (East) but not Eastern Time.
    Firefox 127.0
    NAS542 V5.21(ABAG.15)
    NAS326 V5.21(AAZF.18)

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 111  Ally Member
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    If it is not acceptable, I think you could either set the same timezone or manually add an NTP server for the NAS.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,790  Guru Member
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    manually add an NTP server

    How would that help? An NTP server only serves UTC. Timezone is the responsibility of the client.

  • moparmaniac
    moparmaniac Posts: 1
    First Comment
    edited July 3

    @zach22 I think you were on to something.

    I was having the same issue after running the firmware update on a new 326 I was saving for a rainy day.

    Just like everyone else, I could not get the time to modify when manually changing the time zone or attempting to auto sync with any servers.

    What I stumbled upon as a workaround, and what I think may be the issue, is new updates are possibly not liking the "&" symbol in the Time Zone options such as (US & Canada).

    I ended up selecting a matching time zone with a descriptor that didn't include the "&" and adjusted the time to match current time and saved settings.

    So far it seems to have stuck at least. If I try and change to the correct time zone option it will revert back to the one I manually selected prior…again makes me feel it's the "&" causing the bad behavior.

    Not the best option but a workaround for now. Hope this helps someone scratching their head on this one.

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