Configuration reception notifications SMS and mail on Router Zyxel LTE3301-Plus

GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector

Hello, I'm desperately trying to configure SMS and Mail notifications, in particular to be informed when the modem status changes (when the modem switches from WAN WIFI to WAN 5G) but I can't manage to receive the SMS or mine.

For emails, I've set :
Mail Server Address:
Port: 465
Authentication Username: Name of my google account
Authentication Password: application password created on google
Account e-mail Address: my google account address
Connection Security : SSL

How can I get help?

All Replies

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 200  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi GB_Informatics,

    Have you ever received an email notification before (you need to enable more types of log-event, or at least enable "System")? If so, does it mean that email notification works in other use cases but not the one you mentioned above?

    Further, what do you mean "when the modem switches from WAN WIFI to WAN 5G"? I can understand 5G-WAN, but not Wi-Fi WAN.



  • GB_Informatics
    GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi ,

    I never received the email and SMS notifications.
    When I go to the logs, I get the error message ‘I
    It is impossible to retrieve the information now. Please try again’. It is impossible to do anything.

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 200  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary


    Sounds like it's related to SMS notification not working in the first place.

    Could you please try the following settings?

    (1) "Mail Server Address:"

    Please make sure the mail server configured on the LTE3301-PLUS is "".

    (2) Port: please configure 587 instead.

    (3) Connection Security : please use STARTLS instead.

    (4) Authentication username: please specify full email address.


    After configuring these settings, enable "System" on "Log Settings" page. Log out and log in the LTE3301-PLUS, and check if there's an additional log on LTE3301-PLUS' UI. If there is, please check if your email receives a notification.



  • GB_Informatics
    GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
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    I made a typing error...

    I created a configuration with the parameters mentioned in the previous answer.

    However, when I click on "E-mail Log Now", I get the error "It is impossible to retrieve the information now. Please try again". There's nothing I can do.

    In "E-mail Log Settings", I have this configuration :

    E-mail Log Settings : Enable

    Mail Account : My address mail

    Select one account : my address gmail

    System Log Mail Subject : Router

    Security Log Mail Subject : Router

    Send Log to (E-Mail Address) : my address gmail

    Send Alarm to (E-Mail Address) : my address gmail

    Alarm Interval (seconds) : 10

    All options are activated

  • GB_Informatics
    GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector


    I'm trying your configuration but I'm still not receiving the emails.

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 200  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary


    Could you please set up the email account on Email Notification page again?

    I suppose you copied and pasted Google's application password to this page. When Google shows your application password, the 16 characters are split into 4 parts with space in between, it looks like this "abcd efgh ijkl mnop".

    I copied and pasted this string "abcd efgh ijkl mnop" when setting email account. Once finished setting email account, I click "Email Logs Now" and I don't receive logs in my mail account either. If I remove the space, which makes the password become "abcdefghijklmnop", and click "Email Logs Now", I can receive logs in my mail account.



  • GB_Informatics
    GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Here is my configuration but it doesn't work:
    E-mail Notification Configuration
    Mail Server Address(SMTP Server NAME or IP) :
    PortDefault: 587
    Authentication Username : gmail account name
    Authentication Password : abcdefghijklmnop
    Account e-mail Address : my gmail address
    Connection Security : STARTTLS

  • GB_Informatics
    GB_Informatics Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    It works for sending logs but it doesn't work for email when the router is not from WIFI to WAN 5G and from WAN 5G to WIFI.

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