Installing Plex Server - unable to extract after app installation -NAS 520

lee626 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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edited August 2024 in Personal Cloud Storage

Hi all,

As stated I have downloaded the Repository and installed Plex Media Server, however when it takes me to the script installer page, after I upload the Synology Armv7 package for installation it is unable to install. I have seen a few posts regarding this and some have been successful some have not.

I am working with the NAS520, I would stick with the Twonky Media server but Plex works better with our home TV.

-Edit. I am met with this "Cannot extract /i-data/68b31d34/.PKG/PlexMediaServer/share/PLexMediaServer/tmp/install/synology/package.tgz"

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,887  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    The problem is that the Plex installer package is dependent on firmware tools to extract the uploaded file. Those tools are 10+ years old, and were lightweight tools to start with.

    Lately Plex has changed the way they generate their package file, and the firmware extractor (a busybox implementation of 'tar') is no longer able to extract it, as I figured out starting from here.

    The only easy way around, AFAICS, is to extract the file and repackage it. And hope the new packaged file can be extracted by the ZyXEL firmware tar.

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