NAS540 - File Restore Fails

Franklin Posts: 9  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

Hi hope someone can help. If I delete a file using NAS File Browser, the restore function fails. Have tested on various folders, re-enabled recycle, rebooted etc.

Any ideas? Can someone confirms this works for them - FW is V5.21(AATB.13)


All Replies

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 111  Ally Member
    First Comment First Answer Friend Collector First Anniversary

    The recycle bin should function on the device. You can double-check if a file has been deleted by accessing it with File Explorer on Windows or using SSH to verify if the file is truly gone.

    It’s possible that caching could be causing the issue, so please confirm whether the file has been deleted and check for any similarly named files in both the recycle bin and the original browser.

  • Franklin
    Franklin Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Hi, thanks. The files is 100% deleted in each case, SSH checked.

    No duplicate files in recycle.

    When you refer to cache - is this browser or cache on in the O/S?

    Have tested on multile files in multiple folders, same result.

    Thanks for your interest - appreciated

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 111  Ally Member
    First Comment First Answer Friend Collector First Anniversary

    If you have a backup, consider resetting the NAS to see if the issue persists. Alternatively, you can copy the files from the recycle bin using SSH. :)

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