NR7101 - Downgrade R13A04 to R13A02
Posts: 6 Freshman Member
Hello Everyone
Here on the forum several files have been shared that allow incremental downgrades such as:
it's possible to have also the downgrade:
It would be very important to have it because unfortunately since I installed the last module I have encountered a lot of instability:
- during the renewal of the IP from my provider which happens every 24 hours, sometimes the connectivity does not go back up (with any other version of the module it did not happen)
- sometimes the cell lock does not work and I am forced to reboot (even if I wait 10 minutes)
- I can only use the cell band using a workaround (it is necessary to select at least one N band, if I want to have the specific bands for me, if I do not do it, the cell band does not work)
Thanks a lot
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also interested.
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Tried power off modem about 3 minutes or more, not just a reboot?
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yep, turned it off for one night, about 6 hours, but there were no substantial differences
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