NAS326 delete files and folders random! How to solve this?

bigblack Posts: 2  Freshman Member

Hi to all, my Zixel 326, it's deleting files randomly since 2 year. Seems the problem is on a specific shared folder. Today The NAS removed randomly an entire folder with a lot of files inside. The folder simply disappear. I've the Bin enabled on this folder and I can't find it neither in it.

There's a fix for this behaviour?! I've the last updated for all firmware and app.

This is really crazy!? 😡

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,887  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    I can think of 3 reasons why files disappear.

    1. Filesystem errors, maybe caused by disk problems.
    2. Serverside software.
    3. Clientside software

    Filesystem errors are unlikely. It wouldn't limit itself to a single share (unless that share is the only one on an unhealthy volume), nor would it only cause files to disappear. It would also corrupt files.

    Could be server side software. Is there anything special on that share? Default dump place for a torrent client, or something like that?

    When it's client side software I'd look in usage and permissions. Is that share used by your 5 years old daughter? Do you expose that share using another protocol than Samba? (I think the bin only works for samba access). When you enabled FTP for that share, exposed that via internet, and did not provide a decent password, it's to be expected that strange things happen.

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