DX3301-T0 Becomes Unreachable Over LAN
My DX3301-T0 on firmware V5.50(ABVY.5.3)C0 has been in service as router for my FTTP service for 3 days, and although it performs really well during most of the day, it appears to become isolated from my LAN around 1am every night….and becomes unreachable via wifi or ethernet; my only recourse is to restart the router, after which it returns to normal.
I see that the last entries in the System Log are at 01:00 and which indicate a new PPP0E connection, but nothing thereafter until the morning restart. In the morning I find the router is unreachable, but indicating no problems on its LEDs, and my ONT continues to show the normal 3 green lights….so I have to restart the router. All then fine till next 1am. The PPP0E is set to Auto Connect.
Any suggestions as to a remedy please?
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What is the value of the DHCP lease time ? It should be 1 day at least .
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It is set at 1 day already.
Prior to choosing to use the DX3301 I had been using a Plusnet Hub 2 and this problem didn't occur.
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Have you activated the logs for DHCP , System and PPPoE in the maintenance log setting menu ?
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System and PPP0E logging were in force from the start; I've just added the 2 DHCP options and 'saved' the setting.
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I've reverted to my Plusnet router for the time being. Meanwhile I've tried to alter the DX firmware to an earlier version 4.2 also 4 but the firmware uploads fails. Will retry with a fresh setup of 5.3 in due course.
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Yesterday I reset the DX3301 to factory settings and reconfigured its settings from scratch. In operation it works a dream, so I left it on overnight once again. But this morning it was once more not reachable from my static-ip PC; pings failed. This time I then tried swapping the PC<>router cable to a different router LAN port, and found it was pingable and all worked fine. Swapped back to the original router ethernet port, also that now worked OK. Nothing in the log gives any clue tho.
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DHCP is activated with option DNS proxy ?
I myself always define a limited number of IP adresses for DHCP and give the static ones outside of this segment .
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