Cant use WiFi on nr7303

webtomten Posts: 2  Freshman Member


Iam trying to get internet access with my brand new NR7303 with S/N S240Z09005263 over WiFi interface but I can’t, I can only get internet access true the lan interface. I can’t change anything in the control panel. When I do it jumps back to the settings before like it is locked. When I bought it I also get a indoor access point wx3100 if I use this device it works for me to access internet with WiFi.

But I bought this router to use it outside on construction sites and similarly areas. But it is useless if I need a indoor ap to get internet access.

Any one here that have any clue? Is there any type of root password or something like that so I can unlock my device?

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  • NeilG
    NeilG Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    The internal WiFi does not connect to the Internet - it is only design for connecting to the unit for configuration and setup. For general WiFi access you must connect it to an external AP, as you have discovered. For access outdoors you’ll need an external WiFi AP.

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