Can’t seem to access network using LAN port on NWA130BE.


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  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Andrew_em,

    Thanks for the new details. After checking the client details about 32:ee:c7:d7:ba:40 and 50:28:4A:6A:ED:18, this issue seems like your router's DHCP pool is full. Once the DHCP pool is full, the DHCP server cannot assign a DHCP IP address to the newly connected clients. Please access your router to check and adjust the DHCP server setting.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    Thanks. Appreciate this help by the way. Even through the teething issues it’s building my confidence that should I keep this system it will be well supported. I’ve not had such luck with other products!

    I guess this could be why I couldn’t access my router’s admin page until I rebooted it

    Would I be better to use the Zyxel software to assign static IPs to the devices on my network?

    Thanks again!

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    And one last question - I have set up a second SSID and enabled layer 2 filtering and enabled only 2.4ghz - intention is that this is my IoT network. I thought that adding the mac address of the gateway AP to the filter settings I would be able to access the internet, but not the LAN. But when I connect my phone to that SSID I cannot access the internet, and my Alexa devices won't use that SSID.

    Have I set it wrong?

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Andrew_em,

    The final solution is to increase the DHCP pool size. Alternatively, NWA130BE and NWA50AX Pro support NAT mode for a specific SSID feature. This allows the AP to act as a router to provide DHCP and NAT functions. It can also be a workaround in your scenario. NAT mode is in the SSID advanced settings page.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    So I can leave my router to assign the gateway ap an ip and then have the rest of the ip assignment handled by the Zyxel?

    one last thing - my phone keeps flicking between connected and not connected. Is there something I need to change regarding the radio settings to stop it doing this? It makes controlling my Sonos impossible.

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
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    So I can leave my router to assign the gateway ap an ip and then have the rest of the ip assignment handled by the Zyxel?

    Yes, but I suggest creating a different SSID for NAT mode since NAT mode has some limitations.

    one last thing - my phone keeps flicking between connected and not connected. Is there something I need to change regarding the radio settings to stop it doing this? It makes controlling my Sonos impossible.

    Log: disconnected by Lower STA Signal on Channel: 40, SSID: Never Join, 5GHz, Signal: -74dBm, Download/Upload: 5KB/23KB, reason 5, Interface: wlan-2-1

    This seems like the iPhone disconnected due to smart steering.

    I suggest lowering the threshold, ex. -80 dBm, for testing and finding the best value.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    thanks again. If I’m only using the 6ghz as mesh uplink, should I turn off band steering for that frequency?

    and in general, I strongly prefer capable devices to connect to 5ghz over 2.4ghz - the only scenario where I want them to connect to 2.4ghz is where they cannot connect to 5ghz.

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    Oh I realised I was talking about band steering and the smart steering is directing connections to each AP.

    I have disabled smart steering, but please tell me if that is likely to cause issues?

    Also - am I right that if I set my IoT SSID to NAT mode, then by default the devices connected to that SSID will not be able to see any LAN devices outside of that SSID, or do I still need to use Layer 2 filtering for that?

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Andrew_em,

    I have disabled smart steering, but please tell me if that is likely to cause issues?

    I don't think there will be any issue.

    Also - am I right that if I set my IoT SSID to NAT mode, then by default the devices connected to that SSID will not be able to see any LAN devices outside of that SSID, or do I still need to use Layer 2 filtering for that?

    NAT mode allows devices under the same SSID and AP to see each other. And it doesn't support layer 2 isolation. For more details, you may check this FAQ:

    [NEBULA] How to use NAT mode on AP? — Zyxel Community

    Since you asked this question, may I know if your purpose is to prevent the IoT devices from finding each other?

    Zyxel Melen

  • Andrew_em
    Andrew_em Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    edited March 6

    I am basically looking to stop IoT devices accessing my LAN for no real reason other than it seems to be what people suggest as best practice.

    I think that using NAT mode for them will reduce the demand on my router's dhcp pool will it (if the NAT mode doesn't need an IP for every device on that SSID). Have I misunderstood this?

    All I have in that SSID on NAT mode is IoT devices, so I am not too worried if they talk to each other.

    So the 'mesh' has been very stable since all the help with setting it up - I really do appreciate it!

    Additional question - do you know if there will be issues with Sonos if I enable NAT mode on the SSID they are connected to (because the different Sonos devices connect to different APs),

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