How to Navigate through Nebula Control Center
This FAQ is to briefly introduce the main function of Nebula Control Center for you to know where to do configurations and where what to expect. You may also check out our online document in the "Help center" or click the link here Note: Login Nebula Control Center is required. NCC Portal Overview - This page is an…
When will I receive Weekly and Monthly reports?
Question: When will I receive Weekly and Monthly reports? Answer:* For weekly reports, the report will be sent after Sunday midnight (Monday after 00:00) covering the previous week. * As for monthly report, it will be sent after 00:00AM on the 1st of every month(e.g March.1st/ April.1st and so on). It might take 5 to 10…
[NEBULA] How to access Nebula Devices from remote IP addresses ?
Via NCC server name: d.nebula.zyxel.com. 1. Inbound access is unnecessary to configure under normal network setting 2. Outbound access will be required to open access(eg: Whitelist) for IP address and below ports if there is a default restriction for outbound connection. • TCP ports 4335 and 6667 are used for Nebula device…
What is the meaning of Heavy loading in Dashboard?
The meaning of heavy loading shows on site Dashboard or in Nebula AP and Nebula SW page are different. * For Nebula AP, it means the number of online Nebula APs that exceed the maximum client device number(configured in your Load Balancing settings) by total number of online Nebula APs in the site. * For Nebula SW, it…
What is site usage and site health means in Overview page? How do you calculate it?
The usage in the overview page shows the amount of data consumed by the site. It calculates the period of the last 24hrs. The site health in the overview page shows the percentage of uptime in a given time interval to indicate the site’s network availability.* Green: 95-100% Network uptime * Dark: 75-95% Network uptime *…
How to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields on the Access Point page?
If you want to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields on the Access Point page, you can try to the following steps, 1. Click Devices > Access Point 2. Click Settings button on the top right, and you can select the items tou want to show in an Access Point page.
What happens when the NCC is unreachable? Will it impact my LAN services?
Generally speaking, when NCC server connectivity is lost, your devices will still be operational since it only affects the management process the devices. You will still be able to access LAN/WAN but not able to configure them. So to speak, some functions that require interaction between NCC will still be affected such as…
[NEBULA] How does Nebula devices communicate with Nebula Control Center ?
There are four service ports currently being used for communicating between NCC and the Nebula devices. * Port 4335 and 6667 are used in TCP for Nebula Cloud Management(NETCONF). * Port 443 is used in TCP for Nebula Cloud Management(include firmware upgrade). * Port 123 is used in UDP for Network Time Protocol(NTP). Ports…
[NEBULA] How to remove an organization from your account ?
Nebula Control Center currently does not support the removal of organizations due to license co-termination issue. Hence, please submit a request ticket Help > Support Request > Open > New Case on NCC if you would like to remove your organization.
[NEBULA] What is SNMP feature on Nebula Control Center ?
Enable SNMP V1/V2c on NCC allows third party to monitor and configure Nebula devices according to specifying the community string. This SNMP Community string with GET and SET behaviors will apply to all the Nebula devices that are registered in the site. The setting steps are as following:* Configure > Site setting > SNMP…
What is the meaning of last login in the bottom of Nebula Control Centre screen ?
Nebula Control Center (NCC) supports the concurrency of multi-user management. A group of users can share the same credentials of an account /a password and login NCC simultaneously. Therefore, Last login: minutes from public ip (location), indicates the time of the previous session and IP address of a user that has been…
Why the Map does not show my current Nebula device location?
Nebula devices display the location on the map based on the public IP address provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), but you can manually drag and drop the device icon to your desired location and upload the floor plan of your building as a better reference
[NEBULA]Can I have pre-configured settings on Nebula devices prior to delivering to end customers ?
Nebula devices can be pre-configured partially according to the site-based prior to being added to a site/organization. For example, you can configure SSID on Nebula access point before license registration on Nebula Control Center (NCC). On the other hand, other configuration such as port mirroring is required to enable…
[Nebula] How to change a location of my devices between different floor plans?
Please refer to the following steps that guides how to modify devices’ location and move devices to another floor plan. 1. Go to Map & floor plans. 2. Click on the "Edit floor plans". 3. Add a floor plan by clicking on "Create +" and select the file that you want to add. 4. In the pop out window, fill in a map name and an…
What will non-nebula device display in Topology on Nebula Control Center ?
Any non-nebula device in Topology shows a box with a question mark (Other) with MAC address information Go to Topology
[NEBULA]What is the startup of Nebula Device LED Indicators ?
The startup description of Nebula Device LED Indicators is as below matrix table You may also get this information at: Nebula CC > Help > Device LED guide: https://bulletin.nebula.zyxel.com/online-help/nebula-device/Nebula_Device_UG-LED_v17.30.pdf