Client page: Add an option to delete a specific history client.
The idea is related to this discussion and post by @flottmedia. Feel free to leave a likes and comments. Jonas
Add AP
Cant find where to add a new ap on the new website
Firewall rule vpn site to site
Hi, Can you please advise how to setup firewall rules on our nsg50 regarding vpn site to site tunnel.( nebula to non-nebula) I have setup a vpn ipsec tunnel to office. The inbound machine only needs two ip-adresses on the office vpn lan(non nebula ), how do I block all others in nebula the easiest way? best regards,Axon
I Can't find in the ZyXEL User Guide document or though web searches a way to use IPv6 with the ZyXEL NSG series devices. Anyone know how to enable / set it up? I have a /48 prefix so will want to manually input the WAN side and create some /64 subnets. Thanks!
[NEBULA] InterVLAN routing
I need to route between Lan1 and Vlan7. Lan1 Gateway Lan1: VLAN7 Gateway: VLAN 7: I have tried to set up a static route: Type: Intranet Protocol: Any Source IP: Source Port: Any Destination IP: Destination Port: Any Next Hop: I am…
registrierte Geräte
Hallo wir haben hier das Problem, dass wir zwei bereits registrierte Geräte haben, aber nicht wissen wo diese hingehören, nicht Wissen bei welcher Organisation ( eventuell ja gar nicht über unseren Account registriert sind). Gibt es eine Möglichkeit nach der SN Nummer zu suchen oder die Geräte an anderer Stelle wieder zu…
Does NSG100 could replace LiveboxPRO 4 fibre orange French FAI
Hi, We have to remove some Livepro4 fibre orange french FAI by NSG100. We know that the internet authentication use PPPoE on vlan 835 without QoS, but when we try to connect we don't have any Ip. Is there anyone who succeeded to configure it? Thanx for the help,Antoine
License management
I would like to have option to easily move license points between sites and organiozations.
Ap status (Nap102) Green orange white
I've got 8 ap's in use and I'm experiencing random dc's on some of them. I can see that 2 of them are green and working fine 3 of them orange which indicates an alert and 3 white. Question is what is the alert? they do work but are less reliable then the 2 green one's and what's up with the white ones? there is now white…
Nebula is running slow
I have noticed in the last two days an almost unusable slow down in Nebula. Anyone else?
[Nebula] Block device
Hi, is there any method to block/blacklist a device/user on a nebula operated switch or NSG? thanks paul
Mail templates for MSP:s - License expiration, new devices etc
We are a MSP with 100+ organizations in the MSP portal. We're getting e-mails from Nebula every day and needs to automate the sorting into our case management system. For example trial license expiration, pro pack expiration, new devices, security pack expiration. The problem is that the mail templates isn't following the…
MSP Portal: New site, new device - how to add?
So on NCC, I'm looking to add a new site (I currently have 2, want a third). I don't see where that can be done, and from there I don't see how to add a device to any site. I can view things, but don't see anyplace like a device addition function.
MSP Portal: see all of sites (regardless of org) in a single view
It would be very useful to see the Site information we see in Organization-Wide -> Overview -> Sites which display the Site Heath, Tag, Number of Devices, Usager, Clients, etc. directly within the MSP Portal view. My screenshot only has 1 site to to this being a test account, but if I had 5 or 10 sites I would see this…
[NEBULA] export the cvs file of Cloud Authentication with a line command
I need to export the cvs file of Cloud Authentication with a line command, I already use a macro with imacro for chrome, but i need to automatizate the process with a dos script or with some utility. There is a way? Thanks
PoE schedule configuration steps needs to be improve
The original post is related to this topic by @Clark91. Feel free to leave a comment or like and let us know your experience. Jonas,
It is not very convenient to check the password of Nebula device....
Hi, This little question bothers me for quite some time, so I come here to find if anyone has better way to solve. When every time I use Remote access in Live tools, I always need to go to Site-wide page to check/copy the password. I just think it cost me extra time when I need troubleshooting urgently...time is money :/ I…
[NEBULA] Non-Nebula Peer and NSG200 IPSec disconnects constantly
Hi, My typology: NSG200 as a VPN HUB, WAN IP Non-Nebula Peer - Cyberoam CR10iNG, WAN IP On the Cyberoam side I have the same settings: The problem is that the IPSec tunnel establishes and disconnects constantly. Based on logs it looks like NSG200 requests to delete Phase 2 after it is established…
Client description since one of the latest updates
I already reopened an older post in https://businessforum.zyxel.com/discussion/comment/14093/#Comment_14093 regarding that issue, but as it seems to be related to one of the latest Nebula CC updates, also here. @Nebula_Chris, @Nebula_Bayardo, @Nebula_Jonas: Is it by intention, that a) the client descriptions are not synced…
[NEBULA] Temporarily disconnect of AP
Hi, is there any method to temporarily disconnect an AP from the network or stop it from receiving clients? thanks paul