ZyWall USG 1100 routing
Hi all. Have a problem with configuration usg 1100. Configurating 2 locals net with gw (ZyWall) and with gw Add route to 3rd net via gw From 2 locals net all goes well to 3rd net. From to all good too, but in…
local domain to website domain forwarder
How to redirect users in accessing the company website which is same with the company's local domain?
usg 1000 vpn 16015 error
Question , i have 3 USG 1000 firewalls first one has firmware 3.00 and the other has 3.30 i setup the first firewall , this one is online and running, the VPN is working fine ! the other 2 , i restored the settings from the first firewall, ( these other 2 are offline ) if i want to connect the default VPN, it gives an…
Vpn to ipvanish
hi, i have Zyxel USG 60, it’s possibile to make a vpn connection to IPVanish vpn server? I need to encrypt all my traffic. IPVanish accept L2TP over Ipsec IKEv2. Thanks
Is it posible for Zyxel Anti Spam to strip out the body of an email?
I have three cases where we receive an email from a particular external email account - but the body of the email is missing. The clients email provider blames our Anti Virus / Spam? Yet all we do is "Forward with tag" for all anti spam emails. And these "blank" emails have no such tags in their headers?
USG40W Fails to update signatures
USG40W with current subscription, hasn't been updating, if I run Update Now 'AV Signature Update Has Failed (failed)' Why?
USG 50 error by updating firmware
We have a firewall usg 50 in our school. The firmware is still 2.21 (BDS.1) I tried to update it but I get an error every time. errno: -42007 errmsg: Firmware content error! Any idea what the problem could be?
USG20W session limit
Maximum session per houst was exceeded. What I must do?
ZyWALL 1100 reboots automatically
I've got a ZyWALL 1100 which reboots itself twice a week. Got in contact with Support two months ago, and they asked me to retrieve logs by putting an USB drive into the back of the device. Because the firewall is installed at the other side of the world, I wasn't able to do that. But to my surprise I found that ZyXEL…
BWM with usg20
hello, in my zywall usg20 i can limit trafic with bwm to a lan. To limit the trafic for some single ipadresses it doesnt work. Where cold be the error?
Wo kann bei der USG 20W das UPnP aktiviert werden? #Biz_Security_October
Max VPN Packet Size
Hello I have two usg 40 and 110. With for one : 300MB sync fiber optic access and the other one 1Gb fiber optic access. Both are running with V4.25(AAPH.1) firmware. I have an IPSEC vpn between these 2 firewalls. If I try to put a file by ftp from one site to the other one without using vpn network, I manage to copy at 25…
Site to Site VPN to Meraki endpoint
Hi All, very new to all of this but I'm trying to get a site to site vpn setup between our Zywall 310 and a Meraki box, I've got the pre-shared keys the same and I think the config setup right but it's not coming up. Has anyone done this or can point me in the direction of some instructions on what to do ?
VOIP With ZyWall
Hi everyone, and congratulations on the initiative.
First of all, I would like to excuse you if my English is not perfect.
I explain to you my situation, in my company we went to VOIP for telephony, at the beginning we signed a contract for a single voip trunk that was managed by my Asterisk PBX1 and everything was fine.…
Problems with bwm
hello, in my zywall usg20 i can limit trafic with bwm to a lan. To limit the trafic for some single ipadresses it doesnt work. Where cold be the error?
Hi, is there any way to get DHCP pool list as a TXT or csv files from the DHCP screen?
Default language
After I change the language to Russian and resetting the device to its factory default settings, the language has been changed back to English (the default language) again.Is it possible to make Russian the default language even after resetting the device to its factory default settings?
What can I do about Shell Scrip function?
In maintenance > File manager > Shell Scrip. What can I do in this function?
(ger) Einrichtung USG20-VPN hinter Fritzbox 7490
Gute Tag an alle, ich brauche dringend Hilfe bei einem wohl etwas komplexeren Thema. Bin leider komplett unerfahren was IT betrifft. In meiner Firma soll eine IPSEC Site to Site VPN Verbindung zu einer anderen Firma aufgebaut werden. Das Problem ist, das man nicht von außen "durch" die Fritzbox auf die Zyxel bzw auf die…